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*** Third person pov ***

" Come on, Hermione. Ron is just being a idiot" Mia said to Hermione with her ear to the door so she can hear her friend.

" We better go to the Great hall to eat . We have been in here all afternoon. The proffosers will get suspicious" Mia say ,as the stall then open to reveal Hermione wiping her eyes.

" Thanks Mia , you're such a good friend" she says, then looks behind Mia, her eye widening.

Mia turns to look ,her mouth drops as she see a troll standing there , looking down at both of them.

Mia turns to look ,her mouth drops as she see a troll standing there , looking down at both of them

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Mia and Hermione both back away slowly , while looking up at it . Then both run into separate stalls.

The top of the stall shatter as the troll swung it's club , Mia hear Hermione scream as she cover her head, while laying on the ground.

Mia move some​ of the shatter wood from her head to see Ron and Harry standing there looking at both of them.

" Mia , Hermione ,move!!!" Harry yelled.

Mia move out of the stall just as the troll swung again, Mia run towards Harry as he checks her,

" Are you okay?" He asked with concern.

Mia nods but then remember about Hermione "we have to save her" Mia say, harry nods then he and Ron start throwing rocks at the hideous creature.

"Help! help!" Mia hear her yell.

As Harry and Ron were distracting the troll Mia slowly sneaked past it and bent down towards Hermione, moving the wood then as Mia was about to run out with her, but Mia is slowly picked up from her leg.

"Hey, peabrain!!" Mia hear Ron yell as he throws a rock near her.

" Hey!! let me go!" Mia yell ,then motions for Hermione to make a run for it.

Hermione crawls towards under the sink, just when the troll finally notices her. It almost hit her with its weapon.

"Help, Mia!" Hermione yell at them , Harry pulls his wand and run towards it. Mia being upside down doesn't help her seeing anything but all she saw is that Harry put his wand in its nose but the troll grabs Harry by his legs thus making both Mia and him to hang upside down.

"Do something!!" Harry yelled at Ron ,as the troll swung it's bat at their heads, both of them dodged it.

"What?"Ron asked while looking around.

"Anything!!" Mia said as both of them dodged another swing of the club.

"Hurry up" Harry yelled.

Mia saw Ron pull out his wand and Hermione showing him the swish and flick movement.

"Wingardium Leviosa "Ron says  making the trolls bat levitate in the air, it then fell on its head .

The troll  then let go of Mia and harry to the ground. Mia opened her eyes to see Harry on top of  her.

"Sorry" Harry says nervously, then looks up to see the troll about to fall down.

"Thump" they heard the troll fall with a great sound.

Hermione then slowly get up from under the sink, looking at the unconscious troll.

Harry then helps Mia up but he saw her sway a bit and about to fall.

" Woah!! " Harry said and quickly grabbed her hand to steady her and hold on to her worried.

"Are you alright??" Harry asked her with concern.

"Yeah , just a bit dizzy " she shakes her head to focus as being held upside down by troll caused blood rush.

"I.. I am fine" Mia said and tried to steady herself but to no avail as she swayed a little.

"No! You are not" Harry said and hold her by placing his arm around her shoulder and squeezed her other arm to comfort her.

" Is it dead??" Hermione asked.

"I don't think so" Mia mumbled in a low tone still feeling a bit giddy.

"Just knocked out" Harry adds then pulls out his wand from troll nose, making Ron to look at it in disgust.

"Troll boggers" Ron said in disgust.

Professor Mc'Gonagall, professor Quirrel and professor Snape came running in, " oh, my goodness!! Explain yourself, three of you" professor Mc'Gonagall says pointing to Mia, Ron , Harry.

"Well...." They tried to explain before Hermione said, " it's my fault, professor" making everyone in the room shocked.

"Miss Granger?" Professor Mc'Gonagal

"I was looking for that troll. I thought I could handle it ,but I was wrong if Mia , Harry and Ron hadn't come to find me I did probably be dead" Hermione explained.

"I expected more rational behaviour and I am very disappointed in you five points will be taken from gryffindor for your serious lack of judgement . As for you three I just hope you realise how fortunate you are, not many first years students could take on a troll and lived to tell the tale. five points.... will be awarded to each of you for shear dumb luck" professor mcgonagall and Professor Snape leaves.

"Perhaps you ought to go. It might wake up" professor quirrel stutter.

All of them walked out happily that the four of them are still alive except for Harry as he saw proffoser Snape has blood in his leg but kept that aside as of now he is relieved that Mia is safe never leaving her hand and his arm around her shoulder as they walked towards their common room.

A/n: wow another chapter is out, do you guys like today chapter? Do comment and vote if you like .

P.s. I have nominated this story in Watty 2017 so guys support it, and wish me luck 😄😄😄

and thank you lovelies💚💙💚

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