First day At Hogwarts

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*** Third person pov ***


It was quiet as everyone was writing on their papers. It was cut off by the footsteps outside of the classroom, then the door opening and there revealing Harry and Ron ,panting.

Hermione rolled her eyes then went back to work but Mia pointed toward the cat in the teacher's table to Harry just in case to warn him but from the look of his face she can realise he is confused.

"Made it !!! " Mia hear Ron say now she is pretty much sure that both of them are already in trouble.

"Can you imagine the look in old Mc'Gonagall's face if we were late??" Ron asked Harry.

The cat on proffoser Mc'Gonagall desk transformed into her, then she walked up to Harry and Ron.

"That was bloody brilliant!" Ron said in amazement.

"Thank you for that assessment ,
Mr. Weasley . It'd be better if I transfigured Mr.Potter and you into a watch. Then one of you might be on time." Professor Mc'Gonagall says to both of them.

"We got lost" Harry said.

"Then perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one to find your seats" she says before walking up to the front of the class while Harry and Ron took their seats.

The only interesting thing that happened on this class is the scene created by both of them as it's their first day professor Mc'Gonagall made students to take notes so nothing special .


After the first class Mia accompanied both Harry and Ron to next class just to make sure both of them gets to the class on time to which both of them thanked her.

Everyone was chattering away until the door burst opened and walking in was professor Snape.

"There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantation in this class" he says stopping and facing the class.

"As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is portion making ." He continued.

"I think he likes portion-making very much, maybe he is nice it's just his way of showing emotions. Afterall everyone has goodness in their heart we just want to see right through them for that "Mia thought about snape she even smiled a bit when he look at her.

He is shocked when I smiled at him then I saw a twinkle in his eyes even his lips curved a bit but he quickly masked his expression with a frown, which I can bet on anything as it is really forced by him to appear, his eyes left my sight and he turned towards Harry but had a slight growl it's like seeing Harry make him remember something unpleasant to him.

"Potter!!our new celebrity but that doesn't mean that you can disobey ." He paused .

Mia nudged harry to look at professor as he is taking notes of professor Snape's speech.

"What would I get if I added root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" He asked harry

"I don't know sir" Harry replied politely but Hermione's hand shot up .

"You don't know? Let's try again. Where would you look if I asked you to find a bezoar?" He asked harry again ,once again Hermione's hand shot up now.

"I don't know sir" Harry said to him making Mia to look at him with concern filled eyes.

" What is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?" the proffoser asked him now Hermione is standing up to answer him.

"Pity. Clearly fame isn't everything for everyone's, is it Mr.Potter?" He asked with a lopsided grin.

I had enough it's clear he is trying to insult harry deliberately and now Harry will under estimate himself to be weak if he cannot standup for himself then I will ,

"Is it necessary to make him feel low ,it's just our first day how can you expect him to know everything ? It's like you are trying to humiliate him, because you don't want to hear answer from Hermione who has raised her hand for your questions " Mia asked the professor with a bold voice.

Everyone looked at her shocked even Harry but he is happy that she stood up for him but also worried because he doesn't want her to get into trouble.

Snape is taken back by her actions but managed to say "Ah!!! Miss. Smith our other celebrity, standing up for Potter ?? Then perhaps you may answer my questions".

I answered all his questions everyone in the class stared in awe even professor Snape but he quickly covered up his expressions and asked everyone to copy the answers I said before and asked me to sit.

*** Snape's pov ***
(a/n : I bet you don't expect it :D)

When I was saying about portion making I take a look at Mia her facial features reminds me about lily when she caught my eyes she even smiled at me , for a second I thought lily is alive, even my lips curved a bit but I quickly masked it with a frown.

Then just beside her I saw Harry he awfully resembles his father. I started to ask him questions he cannot​ answer a single one, he hung his head low.

On seeing this Mia stood up for him once again making me remember lily . She always stood up for others, she always had a way of seeing the beauty in others even, perhaps most especially, when that person couldn't see it in themselves.

I know Mia's biological parents her mother is truly a outstanding witch and a kind human​ being known to me.

Mia even has her mother's traits she is intelligent but I don't admit it in front of the students it's wonderful that she has both her mother's nature along with the characters of lily.

A/n: so how is today's chapter???what do you guys think about snape's pov??so Mia resembles lily and Mia is standing up for Harry I told you guys it's not be like the prince will save the vote and comment.
P.s 🎈🎉🎉🎊This chapter is to my big sis , happy birthday Ira love you alot.🎉🎉🎊 🎈Best wishes to everyone over there celebrating the best moments of their life. Stay happy forever 😃😃

And thank you lovelies 💗💗

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