Trap door - I

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*** Third person pov ***

Mia, Harry, Hermione and Ron quickly went down the stairs. Mia  then stopped as they saw a familiar toad on the coach, watching the four griffindors.

"Trevor?!" Mia said in a quizzical tone.

"Trevor, go! You shouldn't be here!" Ron hissed but cut off by a voice.

" Neither should you. You're sneaking out again, aren't you?" Neville asked.

"Neville please try to understand.." Mia requested only to be cutoff again by Neville.

"No Mia I'm sorry I cannot support you in this. You people may get griffindor into trouble again, I won't let it happen , I'll fight you" Neville says while holding his fist clenched in front of him.

Both Mia and Hermione share a look and both of them step forward holding their wand "Petrificus Totalus".

Neville was stiff as he falls on the ground "you're a little scary sometimes you both are,  you know that? Brilliant but scary" Ron says as both Mia and Hermione put their wands away, Hermione smirks while Mia sigh a little Harry can sense her guilt for hexing Neville.

Harry places his hand gently on her shoulder and said " you are not scary, believe me you are anything but scary don't feel bad because it's for everyone's welfare. It's more important to stop voldemort as we can save several innocent lives by that so snap out of your self blaming bubble" and give her a warm smile.

Mia felt a little better by Harry's words and she apologized to Neville before leaving the place.

"It's for your own good , you know?" Ron said behind her to Neville.

Mia , Harry, Hermione and Ron reached the third floor using Harry's invisiblity cloak.

"You stepped on my foot" Hermione hissed at Ron.

"Sorry" he muttered as four of them reached the door where fluffy is gaurding.

"Alohomora" Harry whispered pointing his wand at the lock on the door. The door slowly opened and the four gryffindors walk inside.

"Wait a minute he is...." Ron starts but stops when a big gush of wind takes the invisibility cloak off all of them.

"It's fluffy, he is snoring" Mia states.

"Snape's already been here. He used  spell on the harp" Harry said.

"It's got horrible breath" Ron muttered.

"What do you expect?" Hermione asked while rolling her eyes.

"We have to move it's paw" Harry said trying to stop his two friends from bickering.

"What?" Ron say unsure.

They all moved the paw off from the trap door, doing it as quietly as possible.

"I'll go first don't follow until I give you a sign . If something bad happens, get yourself out" Harry said.

"No way! I'm letting you go first we don't know what is in there and I'm not taking risk with your life. Whatever trouble we have to face, we both are in this together " Mia said in a stern voice but her face showed her concern for Harry.

"But Mia.." Harry started but cut off his sentence as his face changed to confusion "does it seem a bit quiet to you?" Harry asked as the room is now silent .

"The harp" Hermione said, turning towards it "it stopped playing" she added.

Just then something falls on Ron's shoulder he look at the slime in disgust only to saw fluffy growling at them.

"Jump" Mia yell as both Harry and Mia holds hands and fall into the trap door.

Ron and Hermione jumped after them and all four of them landed on something bushy.

"Lucky this plant is here " Ron said but the plant wraps around his legs and arms making him impossible to move.

The plant wraps around all four of them and tries to hold tight when they move.

"Stop moving and just relax" Mia said.

"It's devil's snare , if you don't relax it will kill you faster " Hermione adds.

"Kill us faster? Oh now I can relax!" Ron said sarcastically struggling more.

Mia relax and sink into the plant and falls down only to be followed by Hermione.

"Mia!!" "Hermione!" Both Ron and Harry scream (a/n: guess who scream what 😏😉)

"Mia where are you ? Are you alright?" Harry scream.

"Do what we say, don't move!!" Hermione say.

"Harry please relax, trust me" Mia said worried.

Harry relax and falls down Where Mia helps him up.

"Are you alright?" Both Mia and Harry ask at the same time.

"I am alright" Mia anwers and about to ask him something but cutoff by Ron screaming for Harry.

"He is not relaxing , is he?" Mia ask to both of them.

"Apparently not" Hermione reply.

"We have got to do something , remember something in herbology hmm devil's snare ... Devil's snare" Hermione repeats to herself.

"It's deadly fun but it will sulk in the sun" Mia say as it finally clicked on her mind.

"That's right it hates light and heat we have to light up fire but how?" Hermione ask in a tensed tone.

"Honestly Hermione we are witches" Mia say while Hermione smack herself on forehead and smile sheepishly.

Both of them points their wand at the air and say "Lumus Solem" which shoots a flash of light making Ron fall down.

"Ron are you alright?" Mia asks.

"Yeah" Ron answer, standing up and adds "lucky we didn't panic".

"Lucky both Mia and Hermione pays attention in herbology" Harry says while the girl's roll their eyes playfully.

The four of them turn around and walk towards the direction of the fluttering sound.

"What was that?" Mia ask.

"I don't know sounds like wings" Harry says as all of them walk inside looking all over the place to see keys with wings flying in the air.

"Curious, I've need seen birds like this" Hermione says as she look fascinated.

"They are not birds they are keys" Ron correct her as all of them walk closer to them.

"I bet one of them fits the door" Harry said and added " but which one?" While Ron try to open the door using alohomora spell but nothing happened.

"We have to get a rusty old fashioned and a worn out key" Mia said as she examined the door.

Ron gives Harry the broom who looks at it skeptically " c'mon Harry if Snape can fly in this broom and catch the key then you can" but still he look unsure

  "You can do it Harry afterall You are the youngest seeker in a century remember?" Mia said to encourage him with a warm smile.

"You always know what to say" Harry said looking at Mia with a small smile and wraps his hand on the broom stick while all of sudden the keys start to go after him.

Mia watch in worry as Harry catches the correct key throw it to Hermione who opens the door and grabs Ron with her to the other side while Mia stood frozen as Harry struggle with the keys .

Atlast Harry escape from the keys and pushed Mia along with him to the other room and closes the door behind them.

A/n: guys another chapter out and year 1 will end with a few upcoming chapters 😊 do you guys like it? And how is today's chapter? Do let me know.

And thankyou lovelies 💚💙💚

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