Night Out

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Thanks to all the new readers who clicked on this story and dropped comments and votes too 😇 and thanks to all my wonderful readers for all the support 😊😊😊

Happy Reading!

***Mia's pov***

"That cost 20 pounds" the cashier lady said after ringing everything I bought.

"Here" I passed her the money before getting the bag.

I came out of the shop to be greeted by the chilly air, setting a shiver to go down my spine while I tugged my jacket closer.

I sighed before walking on my way back to house.

Yep! I still call that house and not my home.

I returned from my trip to France just before a week and to say the truth, I was really very surprised that mione invited me to join her for  vacation.

At first I was a bit skeptical to join them, thinking that I would ruin their family time but it was mione's parents who convinced me and not to mention the trouble they went down just to have a boring conversation with my step mom.

It's not like she was worried about me or anything and to say the truth Kyla was seething at me for going to France.

My step mom tried to talk with Mr and Mrs.Granger to change their decision but let me tell you something those dentists knew more than to pull out a tooth, they convinced my step mom within a hour or so.

But every good thing has a downfall and in my case I have to leave Harry for nearly two weeks and it's the longest we have gone without seeing eachother.

Even when the Dursley's tried to block him from others, I could still see him from my bedroom window as we both have attic as our bedroom but for two weeks I can't see him.

Its very hard to be away from him, as after the whole heir drama we have grown closer.


I was so immensed in my thoughts to notice a motorcycle that drove past me in high speed yelling after me.


That dimwit drove like that and ask me to look out, I mentally scoffed just then I heard loud growling followed by barks making me to jump startle a bit.

"Dimwts!! Probably scared the animals too" I thought while I walked away kicking the small stones with my boots.

I shivered another time making me to pull my jacket closer and rub my forearm for the hundredth time.

It's almost the end of summer but it's too chilly out here. You can ask me, why I have to go to the store at this chilly gelid night.

Because, I was asked to do.

All I wanted was a single signature, which my step mom was actually ready to give me, until the perfect Kyla stride in between asking me to get some of the things necessary for her summer homework and made her mom to make it as a deal , a signature for her project materials.

Atleast I made them sign the form before leaving to get Kyla's "project material".

Honestly, as far as I know there is nothing in this list that looks like something required for school, like what's the need for eggs? Is this a grocery list or something.

"I am back" I yelled while opening the door but stopped on seeing my step mom glaring at me with a smirking Kyla behind her.

"What happened?" I asked watching my step mom step forward with blankets in her hand.

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