First Game

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*** Third person pov ***

"Take a bit of Toast mate , go on" Ron said to Harry who was not eating anything on his plate.

"Ron is right you will need your strength today " Hermione said.

"Please Harry eat something if you eat then Mia will also have something for her breakfast" Hermione tried to convince him.

" You have not eaten anything? " Harry asked Mia with his eyebrows knitted.

" But I am not hungry" Mia whine.

" No I am not letting you to go play in empty stomach ,you may get sick and just yesterday you had a blood rush I am not taking risk with your health , so you have to eat something before match " Harry said in stern voice but with a soft tone.

" The same goes for you Harold! I will eat if you have breakfast with me " Mia said in the same tone as Harry.

"Deal" Harry said.

"Deal" Mia said in same tone.

Both of them busted into laughter while Ron and Hermione stared at them amused.

Mia then took a toast and break it into half and gave a half for Harry while Harry give half of a blueberry muffins to Mia at the same time which bought a smile on their faces.

" Copy cat 🐈!!" Mia said while giggling.

Harry was about to say something but just then they heard,

"Good luck Potter , you've proven yourself against the troll. A Quidditch game should be easy work even if it is against Slytherin" professor Snape said before limping away.

"That explains the blood" Harry says out of blue .

"Blood?" Mia asked unsure.

" Last night, I think Snape let in the troll as a diversion so he could get past the dog but he got hurt that's why he is limping" Harry explained.

"But why would he go near the dog?" Hermione asked clearly confused.

"As we told before hagrid took something from the gringotts vault and said that is Hogwarts bussiness maybe that's what the dog is gaurding" Mia tried to reason with Hermione.

Hermione was about to say something but just then they heard screeching and saw two owls head towards their table.

"Horan!!" Mia petted her snowy owl which holds something long and delivered it to Mia while hedwig dropped same thing to Harry.

"Bit early for mail, isn't it?" Hermione asked.

" But I never get mial" both harry and Mia said at the same time.

Yes it's been nearly a month Mia has joined Hogwarts but she has not even received any mail or even a letter from her foster mother. But  she never  cared about Mia and her well-being and same goes for Harry 's family.

Mia petted both Hedwig and Horan while Harry unwrapped both of their parcels.

" It's a broomstick​" Harry said and nudged to get Mia attention.

"It's not a ordinary broomstick Harry , it's Nimbus 2000!!" Ron said to no one in particular.

"who send it??" Mia raised a question but stopped when she saw proffoser Mc'Gonagall petting both Horan and Hedwig smiling at harry and her

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"who send it??" Mia raised a question but stopped when she saw proffoser Mc'Gonagall petting both Horan and Hedwig smiling at harry and her.

She smiled in returned as Harry nods at her smiling.


All the players were walking in their robes .

Wood walked up the small steps and stood waiting to go out.

"Sacred?" Wood asked both Mia and harry.

"A little" both of them answered .

"It's alright felt the same way before my first game."wood say.

"What happened?" Harry asked.

"I don't really remember I took a Bludger to the head woke up in the hospital a week later" wood says casually.

Mia got nervous on hearing this and her face paled a bit , Harry saw this from the corner of his eyes and squeezed Mia 's hand to support her but even though he is scared a bit.

"You will be alright" Harry reassured her which relaxed her a bit.

"But promise me you will stay safe and don't hurt yourself" Mia asked in a soft tone.

Harry smilies at her as she truly care about him and promised her.

"I will" Harry said with a smile.

The curtain opened making the sun shine on the players. There was cheering and screaming from the house.

Everyone mounted their broom , then flew into air,

"Welcome to Hogwarts first quidditch game of the season  today's game slytherin versus  gryffindor " the announcement stated as a griffindor boys holds the wand like a microphone.

"Now I want a clean game from all of you " Madam Hooch commands as she opens the chest the Bludgers fly out followed by the golden Snitch.

" The bludgers are up followed by the golden snitch, remember the Snitch is worth 150 points the seeker who catches this  ends the match"the announcer explained.

Madam hooch then takes out the ball and holds it Out the quaffle is released and" THE GAME BEGINS" Madam Hooch blew the whistle while the players took off in the air.

A/n : another chapter is out ,harry is not ready to risk Mia health 💕 and mia make him promise to stay safe sweet isn't ?do vote and comments if you like 😄😄😄 pls don't shy away today update is  short but next one will be longer sorry for that guys.

and thank you lovelies 💚💐💙

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