What a Great start

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Merry Christmas !!! What more can I do for my amazing readers than publishing a long update😊 and here it is the next chapter. I really tried to update early on today but I can't but I am happy I am updating this chapter before 12 o clock so hey it's still Christmas 😉

Happy Reading,

***Mia's pov ***

"Woah! Everything?" Ron asked utterly surprised looking at mione's timetable.

"Yep, I just chose a little additional.." mione started only to be cut off by Ron.

" A little? You just checked  out everything in the list. So you are not planning to eat or even sleep this year?" Ron snickered while Harry glared at the time table in her hands.

"It's just good to have a additional" mione said making Ron to look at her like crazy but all my attention was there fixed on the raven haired boy beside me whose hands are clutched tight in a fist.

"Muggle studies? You are a muggle for heaven sake" Ron asked astounded while she rolled her eyes at him.

"I bet nobody would be there in all these class, you will be alone" Ron mumbled.

"Actually Mia chose all the subjects with me" Mione sassed back making Harry to snap his head at her.

"She chose or you did?" Harry grumbled while I looked at him bewildered.

"Harry..." I started but mione cut me off.

"We both are going to get all those lessons, you got a problem?" Mione raised a brow at Harry.

Uh oh..

This is not going to end well, I should have known that Harry won't leave this topic easily and mione don't leave a argument without having a last word.

"Actually I got" Harry grumpled through grittted teeth.

"Why? I mean why are you so concerned about her choosing a little bit of additional subject?" Mione rolled her eyes at him.

"I have nothing against her choosing subjects but like Ron said you have checked out everything when she will rest or even sleep?" Harry snapped.

"Well she have two offs on Friday so that she can rest" mione rolled her eyes.

"Mione..." I tried to calm her down while Harry cut me off once again.

Did they forgot that I am sitting right here and they both are fighting for me?!

"She got Quidditch practice every Friday with me and so there you go, she don't have any time to rest" Harry snapped once again.

"But.." mione started to say something which I know will only make the argument to prolong so I cut both of them off this time.

"Guys!! Please quit arguing, I can manage things on my own" I said with a pout, I don't like it when people fight especially my loved ones.

"Mione, I really don't mind to attend those class and like who can leave a chance to spend some more time with their best friend" I smiled at her while Harry mumbled something under his breath.

"And Harry, I can manage everything and if it really gets out of hand , I promise to drop some subjects so please don't fight" I said taking his hands in mine looking at him mustering my best puppy dog eyes.

"Fine" Harry sighed melting for my looks.

Ah! It works everytime, I mentally fist pumped.

Always There For You (Harry Potter Love Story)  #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now