Who is Ms.Evans?!

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Sorry guys for late update!!!😅 I deleted this chapter accidentally from my drafts and has to rewrite this again😑

I have added a gif to the previous chapter go and see that,vote to the chapter if you like the pic.😉

*** Mia pov ***

"I feel like I'm gonna explode" I said pushing the plate away from me.

"C'mon love half of your plate is still full" Harry said pushing the plate near me.

"Noooooo... if I eat some more, I will definitely sleep in our class" I whined.

"But...." Harry started to protest but I cut him off once again.

"Please Harry" I said with a pout making him sigh.

"Alright but you have to eat your lunch properly" Harry said in a stern voice.

"Ok Mom!!" I teased making Ron to chuckle at Harry's expression.

"Oh I get it!! You both ganged up to tease me, I am not gonna fall for it" Harry said.

"Aww you ruined our fun Harold" I said making Ron to grin at me.

"Alright let's go for our class" Ron said gathering his books.

"But mione???" I asked wondering about the bushy haired griffindor.

"She said that we can meet up in our class" Ron said with a shrug.

"What's our first class?" Harry asked me while gathering his things.

"History of Magic with Hufflepuff and a part slytherin" I said after checking our schedule making the boys to groan in unison.

We just entered the class to be greeted by a group of sulking Slytherins and Hufflepuffs who looked to be rather bored.

Class with part slytherin will be guaranteed to have problems because
they basically don't like it, if they have to split class with us and Godic knows about the rivalry between Griffindor and Slytherins.

"There she is" I said while pointing to mione as we all trotted to take the empty seats near her.

"Did you find anything?" I asked her hoping to know details about the chamber.

"No! I searched the entire library but no luck. They should have mentioned about the chamber in Hogwarts a history but unfortunately everyone has reserved for the book and I just left mine at home" mione ranted out in frustration.

"Relax mione we will find some way" I said placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah, there has got to be another way don't lose hope mione" Harry convinced her taking a seat near me making her sigh, but it soon turned to a smile.

"I see you both have resolved your issues" she said while pointing to Harry.

"Yeah..." I started but was cut off by someone shoving me by their shoulder but luckily Harry steadied me.

"Hey!!! watch were you are going!! " Ron yelled at the person who pushed me.

"Oh!! like I will care..." Pansy sneered taking a seat across from me.

"Nerve of some people..." Harry grumpled but I held on to his hand making him to relax.

"Good morning class" Professor Binn greeted everyone not knowing about the situation.

Always There For You (Harry Potter Love Story)  #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now