Chapter 1

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I glanced across the room at my brother as he glanced at the window then back at his photo album. He brought it back last year from Hogwarts.

I scuttled across the room as fast as possible and slide on top of his lap. I snuggled into his chest as he looked at the picture of us and our parents after I was born.Our father held him while my mother held me our red hair matching while I had my fathers eyes yet Harry was the complete opposite. Harry had my fathers hair and my mother's eyes. 

He then turned the page again to show a picture of him at school with his two new friends. Harry had told me many of his times with Hermione and Ron. I really wanted to meet them yet unsure how I would react due to my overbearing shyness around new people.

"Harry, do you think I'm going to go to Hogwarts this year?" I asked.

"Of course Rosie. You'll get your letter just like I got mine." He answered as he rubbed my arm. 

"You mean I'll get to see Hagrid again and this time ride on his motorbike..." I spoke as I looked up from the album. 

"I don't think it works like that for everyone Rosie." He answered and then embraced me in a hug.

Harry had explained all about the wizarding world to me when he had returned from school at beginning of the summer especially his exciting adventures including diagon alley and the philosopher stone. He told me all about our parent's death but nothing about how I was involved.Overall, I'm most excited for the sorting ceremony, hopefully I make Gryffindor so I can be with Harry.

 Hedwig started to rattle his cage. The squawking started, letting us know he wanted to get out of the cage. He hadn't been out all summer.

"Hedwig I can't let you out. You know I can't use magic outside of school." He spoke to him over my head. "Besides if Uncle Vernon..."

"Potters!!!" Uncle Vernon yelled from downstairs. 

"Now you've done it." Harry spoke to Hedwig. "Come on Rose." He spoke lifting me off his lap and leading me down stairs. 

Once we reached downstairs we headed to the kitchen door, Harry leading the way. Aunt Petunia nodded us towards Uncle Vernon in the living room who was stood there with our ever so charming cousin Dudley. Uncle Vernon looked over at us as we turned the corner. 

"I'm warning you if you can't control that bloody bird it will have to go."Uncle Vernon warned Harry. 

"But she's bored. If I could only let her out for an hour or two." Harry asked causing Uncle Vernon to look at him with the utmost displeasure. 

"So you can send messages to your freaky little friends. No sir." He spoke as he turned Dudley to the mirror and fixed his tie. 

The discussion continued as I blocked out their talking and turned to Aunt Petunia to see her making the last touches to this extravagant cake. I turned back around once I felt a slam in my shoulder from Dudley barging through the middle of Harry and I. 

"Leave him alone." I hissed to Dudley as Uncle Vernon started lecturing Harry.

"Watch it shortie." He hissed back.

Uncle Vernon started discussing his action plan for when the Mason's arrived, who were someone from Uncle Vernon's work. 

"And you two.." He looked at us.

"We'll be in our room making no noise and pretending we don't exist." Harry answered before leading us back up to our room. 

When Harry was at Hogwarts last year, I got moved from under the stairs up to Dudley's second bedroom in which Harry joined me on his return. That was the worst year of my life. I was picked on and bullied more than before especially from Dudley with him now knowing of our wizard and witch background. 

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