Chapter One

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hi guys(:
i'm finally starting another story, hope you enjoy!

[ one ]

***Sabrina's POV***

My eyes shot open as soon as ice cold water hit my face, and I tumbled off the bed, onto the hard floor. I rolled over onto my back and looked up into dark, brown eyes. I smirked and propped myself up on my elbow.

"Seriously? Water? That's all you got?" I challenged, raising my eyebrow.

"Oh please, that's nothing and you know it." My brother shot back.

I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"I'm leaving tomorrow for Magcon, by the way." Cameron said as he sat down on my bed.

"That stupid thing again?" I asked, pulling my dripping wet hair into a messy pony-tail.

"Yes, that stupid thing again. And this time, I'm taking you with me." He smirked.

"Uh, no."

"You don't have a choice."

"Yeah I do."

"You're only 17, I'm older, I win. You're coming." He firmly stated.

"I'll just stay with dad then."

"Nope. Dad will be gone for a while, he even said you have to come."

"Shocker," I mumbled.

"We're going to San Diego, so pack. We leave tomorrow at 9," he said standing, "You better get your lazy ass up." Cameron warned as he walked out of my room.

"Jackass," I mumbled under my breath, flipping him off once he was gone.

I grabbed my phone off my dresser, then sat down at my desk. I scrolled through Twitter and looked at a couple of my mentions. I favorited some tweets and followed a couple of fans back. I had around 600k because a lot of Cam's followers were following me.

"Why are you all wet?" A familiar voice said, and I looked up.


"Oh. So, I hear you're going to Magcon tomorrow." Kristen said, smirking. I rolled my eyes at my best friend's attempts to tag along.

"More like being forced."

"Most girls would be psyched to go to Magcon, Sabs."

"Yeah, well honestly, I'm not. Why would I want to go and meet stuck up guys that only care about themselves? I mean, I don't really want to see girls drooling all over my brother, either."

"Yeah, that's kind of weird. But they aren't stuck up assholes." Kristen said, flopping back onto my bed.

"How would you know?" I teased, knowing she stalks them.

"I have my ways." She narrowed her eyes and I laughed.

"Yeah, yeah."

"You better be nice while you're there, by the way." She warned.

"I'll try my best." I said sarcastically, causing Kristen to throw a pillow at me. I caught it and laughed, while she giggled.

I couldn't really wrap my head around the whole idea of going to Magcon with my brother. Dad was never home anyway, so why did it suddenly matter now?

Cameron is always gone for weeks at a time, and now he cares if I go with him? Yeah, right. What's the catch?

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