Chapter Twenty Six

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crappy chapter. whoops.
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[ twenty six ]

***Sabrina's POV***

It's been four days since my fight with Jack.

I leave in 36 days.

Go ahead, judge me because I'm counting. Anyway, I'm doing ok, (as ok as I can be without him), but I can tell everyone was trying to keep my mind off it. They just don't understand that it's not so easy when you see the one who broke your heart everyday.

Taylor is introducing us to that girl today. Tobi, I think.

"Sabrina, you can't lay in bed all day," I felt the bed dip.

"Technically, I can. You just won't let me," I mumbled into my pillow before Nash pulled it away from my face.

"Taylor wants wants us down there early so we can meet that girl," Nash said, ignoring my statement as he stood up.

"Great," I mumbled. I wasn't in the best mood today.

I sat up lazily and Nash threw clothes at my face, which fell back down onto the covers. He grinned, "Ready for Florida, day one?"

"As ready as I can be."

We got into Orlando last night, and luckily, I was sharing a room with Nash.

"Go shower, loser, you need to," Nash said, flopping onto my bed as I stood up. I shot him a glare and dragged myself into the bathroom.


***Tobi's POV***

"Don't worry, babe, they'll love you," Taylor smiled down at me reassuringly.

"I hope so," I muttered as we walked into the venue. I saw Alexis talking to Mahogany- the only person we both really knew here. Well, besides Taylor.

Taylor said something about helping the guys and kissed my cheek before running off. I made my way over to the girls and smiled, "Hey."

"Hey, Tobi," Mahogany grinned, "How's Taylor?"

"Good," I felt heat rise to my cheeks.

"Don't be nervous about meeting everyone, guys," Mahogany reassured us, sensing that we were nervous, "Everyone's so nice."

Alexis smiled briefly as we heard the doors open. All three of us looked over to see a bunch of people run in, two of which were girls. The brunette was on- I'm guessing- Cameron's back, and the strawberry blonde was on Nash's. Cameron ran in laughing with Nash closely behind, as the girl's hung on for dear life.

"Cameron, don't-" The brunette started, but stopped once Cameron dropped her, "-drop me."

"Whoops?" He tried, extending out his hand for her. She shot him a glare as she grabbed his hand, pulling herself up. Nash gently put the blonde down.

The girls came over to us as the guys did a sound-check.

"Hi," the brunette smiled, "I'm Sabrina."

"I'm Kristen," the strawberry blonde said. They were both really pretty.

"I'm Tobi, and that's Alexis," I said.

"Nice to meet you," Kristen said.

"Isn't it nice to have more girls around?" Mahogany said.

"Yeah, now that Natalie went back home," Sabrina said. I guess Natalie was the other girl here.

"So, what do you guys do while they-" Alexis waved her hand towards the guys, "-do whatever?"

"Sometimes they help with the music," Mahogany said. "You guys can, too."

"That'd be fun," I smiled. I could tell we would already be good friends.


***Alexis' POV***

Kristen and Sabrina were both super nice- not to mention pretty. I think Sabrina is Cameron's sister, but I'm not completely sure.

"So, how did you meet Taylor?" Kristen asked Tobi.

She shrugged, "He followed me on Twitter, and I thought he was hot. So, here we are," we laughed.

"What about you?" Sabrina asked me, "Anyone you're interested in?"

"I don't really know them, but they're all good on looks, if you ask me," I chuckled. "You're Cameron's sister, right?" I asked Sabrina.

She nodded, "And Kristen's dating Nash. Cam used to date Natalie, but she broke up with him. Something about the distance."

I nodded in understanding.

"Are you girls talking about me?" Taylor asked as he wrapped his arms around Tobi.

Sabrina roller her eyes, "You wish."


***Sabrina's POV***

We all got a break before the meet and greet. I walked outside of the room to go get water, when I felt someone grab my wrist and pull me to the side.

"Rape!" I yelled, but stopped once I saw who had me held up against the wall.

"Rape?" He laughed.

"What do you want me to yell? Murder?" I asked sarcastically, but hatred quickly flooded back into my veins. "Jack, what do you want?"

"To talk, Sab," he said.

"I don't want to talk to you," I mumbled, attempting to side-step him. He did the same.

"Sabrina, please. I know you hate me right now, but at least hear me out," he tried.

I scoffed, "The last person I want to talk to is you."

I pushed past Jack and walked back into the venue, leaving him behind. My heart somehow breaks a tiny bit more when I force myself to walk away from him.

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