Chapter Seven

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kristen's pov below for a change(:
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[ seven ]

***Kristen's POV***

"Ok, bye!" I called to Sabrina, before she left and shut the door. She was going to hang out with Matt, I think, and Nat was with Cameron.

"Knock, knock." Someone said, and I looked up to see bright blue eyes.

"Uh, Sabrina just left."

"I know," Nash said, sitting next to me on the bed, "I want to talk to you."

"Why?" I asked with a laugh.

"Why not?"


"Let's play 20 questions," Nash said, "Favorite color?"

"Blue. Favorite food?"

"Pizza. Any siblings?" He asked, and I tensed up a bit.

"Yeah, two older sisters and two younger brothers. You?"

We went back and forth like this for a while. Everything was going fine, until he asked about my family.

"What are your siblings' names?"

"Uh, Mikey is my youngest brother, then Steven, then Stephanie, then Lauren." I mumbled, and he nodded.

"The name Stephanie sounds familiar. Where are you from?" Nash asked. Oh shit.

"California. I'm friends with Cameron's sister." I laughed, and he chuckled.

"Right, sorry."


"Alright, alright," Nash said in between laughs. We have been hanging out for a couple of hours, and honestly, Nash was kinda sweet.

"Any boyfriends?"

"Boyfriends? Seriously?" I asked, laughing. He shrugged.

"Um, not right now, no. I dated, like, one guy before," I asked, and figured that now was a good time to find out about Stephanie, "You?"

"Uh, yeah. I dated a couple girls before."

"Tell me about your most recent relationship." I asked, and he chuckled.

"Ok. Uh, I dated this girl from Cali." He said, thinking about it, "She had brown hair, brown eyes, short..." Stephanie.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Didn't work out."


So he didn't want to tell me what actually happened.


***Sabrina's POV***

"Hey," Matt said as he starred down at his phone. I dumped my things onto the couch, and flopped back onto my bed.


I started scrolling through Twitter when I got a text.

'Hey, it's Taylor. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out some time?(:'

I quickly typed back a response.

'sure, sounds fun! when?'

'How's tonight at 6?'

'great. see you then!'

"Hey, what are you doing later?" Matt asked randomly.

"Taylor just asked to hang out so I guess what ever he has planed."

"Oh, ok." Matt said as he continued to do whatever on his phone.

He sounded a little... disappointed, almost, that I was hanging out with Taylor. Was Matt jealous?

Wait, what am I thinking? I barely know him. And this isn't a date with Taylor.


"Hey," Taylor said smiling as I opened the door.


"You look beautiful as always."

"Thanks," I felt heat rise to my cheeks.

"So, where are we going?" I asked, changing the subject as we walked downstairs to the lobby.

"Just walking around town," he said shrugging, "Sound good?"

I nodded. Taylor and I walked around town for a while, going in and out of stores.

He bought me ice-cream and I got to know him a little more. Apparently, back home he fishes and rides dirt bikes. I'm jealous, too, I know. Taylor was nice and all, but just not my type.

"I had fun today." Taylor said as we stood outside my door.

"Yeah, me too." I smiled, and I noticed that Taylor started to lean down towards me. I reacted quickly and turned my head to the side so he kissed my cheek.

I smiled and quickly went inside my hotel room after saying goodnight. Well, that was awkward.

His face was absolutely priceless, though.

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