Chapter Six

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sorry for all the filler chapters, i promise they will start to get better soon (:
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[ six ]

***Sabrina's POV***

"You what?" Natalie and I asked starring at Kristen.

"I know Nash. Well, maybe not know him, but, you know."

"How?" Nat asked.

"Remember that guy my sister dated? The one that cheated on her?" She asked. Nat and I nodded.

"Yeah, that guy was Nash."

"No way," I mumbled.


"Hey, Sab!" Someone called, and I turned to see Nash jogging over. I heard Kristen mumble something under her breath and walk away before he came over, with Nat following her.

"Matt wants to talk to you outside." He said, and I nodded.

I walked outside and saw Matt standing a couple feet away from the door. I walked over, and he smiled at me.

"Shouldn't you be inside?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Well, we get a break in between the show and meet and greet." Matt said, and I nodded in understanding.

"You're a really good singer." He said sitting down on a bench, and I sat next to him.

"Thanks," I said, "Cam tells me otherwise."

Matt chuckled, and I instantly loved the sound of it. His smile was amazing, too. He smiled over the littlest things, and it was the kind of smile that would make you smile.

"It's not that bad having Cameron as a brother," He said.

"How would you know? Are we secretly related?" I asked, and we both laughed.

"I hope not."

"Don't want me as a sister?"

"Then I wouldn't be able to date you." He said, and I was taken back a little. He wanted to date me? I shook off the thought and let it slide.

"Here," I said, handing Matt my phone. He took it, and looked up at me confused.

"Put your number in."

He nodded and quickly typed it in, but not before taking a picture of us and sending it to himself.

"We're cute." He chuckled as he set it as my background, and I nodded.

"Matt," Someone said and we looked up, "Bart wants you back inside for the meet and greet." Jack G said, and he nodded.

Matt and I both stood up, and started walking back inside.

"We should talk more," Matt said, "You're really funny."

"You too. Maybe I'll text you," I joked.

"You won't be able to resist all this, babe." He said cockily, and I laughed.

"Trust me, you'll give in first."

"Oh? Is this a challenge?"

"Yep. You're on, Matt." I smirked and he rolled his eyes.

Matt turned to walk into the room where the meet and greet was being held, but I jumped onto his back. He chuckled and reacted quickly, supporting my legs so I didn't fall back. Matt gave me a piggy-back ride into the room, and all the guys laughed at us.

"New friends or something?" Taylor joked.

"I guess you could say that." Matt said and I smiled. The fans all cheered and took pictures while we were goofing around.

"Alright, so the rules for the meet and greet..." Bart started, but I decided not to listen.

I jumped off of Matt's back, "Have fun with your fans."

"Good luck trying to resist me."

"I don't need it," I smirked before walking away.

Alright, so maybe my opinion was wrong about the guys. I guess they aren't as bad as I thought. Then again, I only really talked to Matt.

Maybe I shouldn't've judged them so quickly...

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