Chapter Twenty Three

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ok so i put in some information below about sabrina and cameron's family. it's a fan fiction for a reason, i cannot stress it enough. not everything i write is true, especially everything below in this chapter.
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[ twenty three ]

***Sabrina's POV***

"Why are you up here?" I asked as I walked out on the roof top. It was 2 in the morning again, and I couldn't sleep.

"To think, I guess," he shrugged, "Sit."

I obeyed as Jack moved over slightly on the lounge chair so I could lay next to him. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders loosely.

Cameron seems like he's been avoiding me. Matt, too. The more time I spend with Jack, the more I realize that I only like him. I guess that thing with Matt was just because he was there for me when no one else was.


***Jack's POV***

This damn bet.

I don't even get the point of it, Taylor just wants to win at everything. I honestly should just drop out. I fell for Sab, and he said that if we gain any feelings, we're out. Right?

I felt Sabrina shift slightly under my arm and I looked down at her. She sighed and watched the sky closely, as if it would disappear. She took in every detail and studied the skyline.

"What's your favorite song?" I asked, and she looked up at me.

"Easy, Amnesia by 5 Seconds of Summer," her face instantly lit up when she said their band name. I have to remember that. "What's yours?"

"I don't really have a favorite," I shrugged, "I like a lot of music. The Beatles, rap, that stuff."

She nodded, "My brother used to like The Beatles."

"Used to?" I asked.

"Yeah," she looked back out at the view.

"Tell me about him," I said.

Sabrina stayed quiet for a minute or two before saying, "There's a couple of things you should know about him."

I remained silent and she continued, "He was older then Cam and I, 22. John, he was a great phenomenal football star, with a scholarship and everything. Once my dad left, John stayed home instead to help 'protect' us. I always told him he was an idiot," she smiled somewhat sadly at the memory.

"He was the sweetest and most caring person I ever met. He had a smile that could make you smile, a laugh that was amazingly contagious, and a personality that could light up a room.

I remember when he dated this bitch, who's name I didn't bother to remember. Their relationship ended due to Cam and I, we weren't too fond of her. John always took in our opinions the most, plus he deserved better.

John was there for everyone and anyone. Usually, his sweet and caring attitude got himself laid," she chuckled.

"He stayed to protect us when our dad left, but I knew better. While he was still in high school, John didn't go out much. He still did once in a while, and he was quite popular, he was just scared for us," she took a deep breath, "My dad wasn't the nicest. He got drunk a lot; sometimes coming home too drunk to comprehend what he was doing. He didn't mean to put us in harms way, but sometimes he just couldn't help it. I always got it the worst, you know, being the only girl out of three. Anyway, enough about my father," Sab cut off the subject.

"John was the glue to a lot of things. He held our family together... Well, what was left of it, anyway.

He wasn't always sick; he used to smile and tell stories of how he was going to get better and explore the world someday. He said he'd take Cameron and I with him, that we'd go everywhere we wanted to," Sabrina smiled.

"John died May 17th, a day before his favorite movie would come out on DVD," Sabrina said quietly.

"He sounded like an amazing brother," I said, squeezing her shoulder reassuringly.

"The last thing John swore for me to do was to get away from our little town in California," she continued, "I remember his exact words, actually, as he laid in that goddamn hospital bed.

He told Cameron and I to get away. That my dad would destruct himself and everything around him; my mom would do just the same. Take the maps and go; get out of here and don't look back."

"Did you?" I whispered.

"I'm here, aren't I?"

"After the tour ends," I asked, "Will you go back to California with Cameron?"

"I haven't talked to him about it, yet. I want to, and honestly, I'm planning on it. John wanted me to go, and for him, that's what I'll do."

"What about everyone else?"

"What about them?" She chuckled somewhat sarcastically, "They don't care, they never did. There is nothing worth staying for in California."

We sat in silence again. I would never guess that Sabrina and Cameron went through all this.

"Thank you for telling me all that," I said, "You didn't have to."

"I wanted to. I haven't talked about it before, so thank you for listening."

"I'm good at that," I grinned.

I used my free hand to take hers in mine and intertwine our fingers. I gently played with the silver ring on her finger when she broke the silence.

"Jack?" She asked.


"What are you most afraid of?"

I thought for a moment as she looked up at me, deep blue eyes filled with curiosity. I brushed a piece of hair away from her eyes and smiled slightly, "Losing you."

"Why?" Sabrina asked quietly.

"Because you're everything I want," I answered simply.

"Even after everything I went through?"

"Sabrina, your past doesn't change my opinion on you what-so-ever. I still see you as the girl I knew yesterday. Nothing can change that."

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