Chapter Seventeen

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wattpad keeps glitching ugh
i feel like my story is moving way too fast, so im slowing it down.
***the information below may not be true, i know. its a fan fiction for a reason***
who do you guys want sab to end up with?
anyway comment, vote, fan x

[ seventeen ]

***Taylor's POV***

Alright. Maybe I was falling for Sabrina. All of the other guys backed out of the bet, except for Jack G, Matt, and I. I wouldn't tell them that I was falling for her, though.

I was so close to kissing her. I know she has feelings for me, too. Matt is just a bump in the road. I have to figure out how to get him out of this situation. You know, without telling him.

I want Sabrina. She'll be mine.


***Sabrina's POV***

"Matt!" I called after him, jogging to catch up. He ignored me and walked into his room. I followed closely behind, shutting the door.

"Matt," I tried again, grabbing his arm. He spun around and I took a step back. Though he may look angry, his eyes held one emotion: hurt.

"What, Sab?" He snapped, then his eyes softened, "I'm sorry. I just-"

"It's fine," I said quietly.

We stood in silence for a couple minutes, lost in our own thoughts.

"Why'd you follow me?" Matt suddenly asked.

I chuckled, "Honestly? I don't know."

"I don't get you," Matt said.


"You confuse me," Matt smiled slightly, "I feel like I want to know more about you, more then I already do. You'd chase after me, even though you don't have a reason why. I'd chase after you, too, but I don't have a reason, either. I want a reason why."

I smiled at Matt's idea and he continued, "You're going to tell me about you, right now," he said, and I raised my eyebrows, confused.

"We start at 6," I said referring to the meet and greet, glancing over to the clock, "And it's 3 now. What are we going to do?"

"Anything," he shrugged. He sat down on the floor and leaned against the wall, stretching out his legs. I sat in front of him.

"So, what's your story?" Matt asked.

I sighed, "Well, Cameron started-"

"No, no," Matt cut me off, shaking his head, "Your real story. As in hobbies, childhood memories, anything."

"Alright," I thought for a minute. "I play volleyball now and I used to swim."

"Used to?" Matt asked.

I shrugged, "I didn't like it so much, and I had to give up one or the other. Anyway, I didn't have many friends growing up. That were girls, anyway. I hung out with the guys," I chuckled, remembering some memories.

"How'd you meet Natalie and Kristen, then?"

"My good friend Chris knew them. I guess he thought I needed some girl friends," I laughed.

"Well, I would, too." Matt chuckled.

"So, what about you?"

"What about me?"

"Tell me about you," I shrugged, "What do you do outside of the whole Magcon life?"

"Well, I play football sometimes. Uhh," he thought for a second, "One time someone accidentally mistook me for Justin Bieber."

"Seriously?" I laughed.

"Yeah, it was really funny because Carter played along with it, and I did too, but he started making up stuff."

"What's it like to be internet famous?" I suddenly asked.

"It's fun, but sometimes I wish I had my old life. You know, before I had all of my followers." I nodded in understanding.

We talked a lot more, and I realized something about Matt. Though he may be 'famous,' he was a normal person. They all were, actually. Just... different.

Matt was super easy to talk to, and he was really down to Earth. I don't blame him for getting mad sometimes, or frustrated. Sometimes being 'famous' isn't all it's cracked up to be. Maybe he needs a break from it all.

Then I remembered Taylor.

Was he mad that I left? Would I have chased after Matt if I did kiss Taylor?

Just thinking about kissing Taylor gave me butterflies. Matt, too. They both gave me the same feelings. Maybe I was falling for both of them. Wait, can I even fall for both of them?

Why are guys so complicated?

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