Chapter Thirty One

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super short chapter, but yeah
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[ thirty one ]

***Sabrina's POV***

So, I didn't get much sleep last night. You know, considering the situation.

Anyway, it was almost 2 in the afternoon and I was still laying in bed. I scrolled through my timeline on Twitter; a bunch of tweets with ideas about why I left. I decided on doing an 'Ask Sabrina' video to just clear some stuff up.

I set up the camera and pressed record once I looked somewhat decent.

"Hey guys! So, I know a ton of you have been curious on why I left the tour. I left because I was really home sick, and I didn't feel as though I needed to be there. I loved meeting all of you and hopefully I can again sometime in the future, but I guess I'm taking a little break right now," I explained and let out a breath, sitting in silence for a couple seconds.

"So, uh, yeah," I chuckled. "Anyway, on another note, onto the questions!"

I answered a bunch of questions that ranged from personal to absolutely random. I loved making videos and spending time with fans, but I needed a break. It hurt me to not tell them the real reason behind why I left, but it is what it is.

I ended the video and my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller I.D. and smiled before answering.

"Yes?" I said happily into the speaker.

"Yes, is this Miss. Dallas?" The voice from the other end asked. I grinned because of the dumb reference.

"It is," I chuckled. "What can I help you with?"

"Are you home right now?" He asked as I raised my eyebrow, realizing he couldn't see me.

"Yeah, why?"

"Come outside," he said and I stood up to look out my window. I rolled my eyes and jogged downstairs, hanging up the phone before answering the door.

"Why are you here, dumbass?" I asked as he smirked.

He shrugged, "Why not?"

"You should be back on the tour."

"I wanted to see you," his words made my heart flutter, and I was completely unsure why.

"Well, you see me," I said jokingly.

He smiled, "Yeah. I'm enjoying the view." I can't believe he's attempting to flirt with me.

"What do you want, asshole?" I joked.

"To talk. Can I come in?"

I nodded hesitantly as he walked in past me, before I shut the door. I followed him into the living room and sat on the couch next to him.

"I'm probably way too late, and I just have to tell you now before I talk myself out of it," he began as I started to get a little nervous.

"Go on..." I mumbled.

"I've been so blind considering I didn't notice this sooner," he looked at me and met my eyes. "I missed you so damn much once you left and I know why now. I need you- I want you... only you."



sorry for the shitty chapters lately. ugh. they'll get better, promise.

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