Chapter Fifteen

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[ fifteen ]

***Sabrina's POV***

"Stephanie?" Kristen and I both said at the same time, completely shocked.

"Kristen? Sabrina?" She asked, her eyes widening.

"You guys know each other?" Matt guessed, confused.

"That's my sister!" Kristen yelled, causing Matt's face to fall.

"Your... what?"

"Sister! As in DNA related!" I pipped up.

"Well this is awkward," Stephanie mumbled.

"No shit!" Kristen yelled, "Steph, can I talk to you," she said as more of a statement than a question.

"Yeah..." Kris dragged her sister outside and shut the door, leaving Matt and I alone. I awkwardly looked up at him to see his eyes already locked on mine.


***Kristen's POV***

"Your dating Matt?"

"What's it to you?"

"Stephanie!" I yelled. Is she seriously doing this right now?

"What? I'm sorry, Kris, what else do you want me to say?"

"You can't go and date my friend without telling me!"

"Oh?" She fired back, "How about Nash? Were you planning on telling me?"

I stayed silent. Ok, maybe she did have a point.

"If he goes and cheats on you, I don't want to hear it," Stephanie said harshly.

"He won't cheat on me," I said sternly.

"How do you know that?"

"I just do, alright?" I really didn't. What if Nash did cheat on me? I actually have feelings for him...

"Keep telling yourself that."

"This isn't about me! Isn't Matt, like, three years younger than you?" I crossed my arms.

"Age is just a number."

"Yeah, and prison is just a room," I scoffed.

"You know what-"

"Steph." I warned, knowing she'll say something she'll regret, "Besides, I think Sabrina actually likes Matt."

"Isn't she dating that Taylor kid?"

"I don't know what the hell is going on with them, honestly." I sighed.

"Kristen!" I heard someone call, and I looked up to see bright, electric blue eyes from down the hallway.

"Hey, Nash!" I called out as he jogged over. He quickly pecked my cheek and I smiled, mainly because even a small kiss like that could give me butterflies.

"Nash," Stephanie said rudely.


"Nash, I'm sure you already know my sister Stephanie." I sighed, wrapping my arm around Nash's torso.

"Yeah," she said. Nash wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close.

"I'm really sorry about everything that happened between us. I hope we can be on somewhat good terms." I smiled at Nash's apology, and Stephanie sighed.

"I guess so. For Kristen."

"So, wait," I said, "You actually like Matt?"

"Yeah... I mean, we just started dating two weeks ago. I'll see how things go," Stephanie shrugged.


***Matt's POV***

I watched Kristen pull Stephanie out of the room by her wrist, slamming the door shut. Whoops?

I looked back at Sabrina and watched her stare at the floor. Her eyes eventually met mine, and I held back a smile. I loved her eyes.

They were a deep shade of blue, like the ocean, almost. They held a certain kind of emotion all of the time, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Whenever Sab would laugh or smile, her eyes would light up. You could tell how she's really feeling just by looking at them. They told a story.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Sabrina broke eye contact, sitting on the bed. I sat on the one next to her's; probably Natalie's.

"So, uh, you really like Stephanie?" She asked.

"Yeah," I lied.

"I'm happy for you."

"How's Taylor?"

"Good," she simply answered.

We sat in a slightly awkward silence as I looked at her, studying her features.

Sabrina's long brown hair just reached her belly-button, and her tan skin had a slight glow to it. Her face had no freckles or blemishes what-so-ever, and she looked beautiful all the time. No wonder why the guys made that bet on her. She's flawless.

"Hello? Matt? You there?" She waved her hands up, snapping me out of my thoughts again.

"Huh? Sorry, I zoned out. What were you saying?" Smooth, Matt.

"I was saying how we should see what's going on out there. They've been outside for a while," Sabrina said. I also loved her voice.

"Yeah," I said standing. She followed me outside into the hallway, to see Nash, Kristen, and Stephanie talking.

"What did we miss?" I asked.

"Nothing really. Stephanie approves of us," Nash smiled, looking down at Kristen. You could really see how much they liked each other.

"That's great," Sabrina said, smiling.

Stephanie walked over and pecked my cheek, "I'm gunna go back to my room. I'll see you later."

I waved goodbye as she walked to the elevator. Kristen and Sabrina said that they were going to try and find Natalie, so that left Nash and I. We decided to stay in our room and record a Youtube video.

The whole time, though, I couldn't seem to get Sabrina off my mind. Everything she does is just... indescribable.

Am I falling for her?

Who am I kidding, I know I am. But she's with Taylor.

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