Chapter Thirty Three

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things are about to get interesting (;
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[ thirty three ]

***Matt's POV***

"You dumbass!" Carter hit my arm, "Why would you do that?"

"Yeah, what the hell, man?" Nash asked, clearly pissed off.

"Guys, she has to know. If it's putting her in danger then we have to tell her," I defended. Sabrina decided to come back, but for one reason only: answers. I knew the guys would be mad that I said I would tell her, but she has to know.

"I'll tell her," Jack muttered after a brief silence.

"What?" All of us asked at the same time. We stood in Nash's room to get some privacy from the others. The only ones involved in this was me, Nash, Jack Gilinsky, Carter, and Cameron.

"She hates me anyway," he looked up at us. "It won't make a difference, alright? Just trust me."

We all hesitantly agreed and Jack nodded before walking out. I shared a look with Carter and Nash once the door shut.

Sabrina will definitely hate us all after this.


***Sabrina's POV***

"I don't get you," Cam said as he turned onto a different street. "You leave, and now you're back?"

"It's complicated," I muttered looking out the window.

Cameron's phone started ringing and he reached into his pocket before picking it up.

"Hey, man," he said into the speaker. I couldn't make out what the person on the other line was saying so I only heard Cam's half of the conversation.

"You what? Carter, you fucking-" he paused. "I don't care. Don't do anything until I get back." With that, he hung up.

I decided against saying anything, mainly because he seemed beyond pissed. If I tell Cam that I'm coming back to find out some secret, he'll be angry- very angry.


"Hey, Sab," Carter smiled at me, pulling me into a hug.

"Hey," I said once we broke apart. I just got to the hotel and was standing in the lobby.

"I think Jack's looking for you," he said.

"Oh, ok," I muttered slightly confused. "Um, I'll text him." Carter nodded and walked away as I pulled out my phone. I sent Jack a quick text asking where he was, and he responded almost immediately saying he was making his way down to the lobby. By the time I looked up, he was walking in.

"Hey," he said as my stomach twisted into knots. I guess he still has an effect on me.


"So, uh, how about we go get something to eat?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck. "You know, to catch up?"

I nodded and we walked towards some restaurants. We casually passed a café when I asked, "Where are we going?"

"I know this burger place down the street," he suggested and I nodded. "I'll race you."

I looked up to see him smirking. "You're on," I took the challenge.

"It's only a block down, you can't miss it. Not like you can beat me."

"I totally can," I said as Jack let out a laugh.

"I'll give you a ten second head start."

I nodded and took off once he started counting, attempting to avoid people as I ran. I decided to glance back to see Jack catching up to me. I ran through a couple holding hands and Jack nearly pushed them over. I smiled to myself and picked up the pace, running into the railing outside of the restaurant. I turned around to say something, but noticed he was nowhere to be seen.

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