Chapter Nine

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[ nine ]

***Sabrina's POV***

"Sabrina!" A voice called, and I ignored it, rolling over in my bed.


"Sabrina get the fuck up!" The same voice yelled, getting annoyed.

"Matt, get the fuck away," I mumbled into my pillow.

"We have breakfast, remember?"

"I know. I don't care."

"Fine," he muttered under his breath.

I didn't think Matt would give up so easily. Maybe-

"Matt, what the hell!" I yelled.

He picked me up bridal-style and put me down on the floor. He threw clothes at my face, earning him a death glare.

"Ugh. Fine. I'll be outside in 10 minutes," I muttered, unhappy. Matt smiled triumphantly. He walked out, and I stood up, grabbing the clothes.

I yanked on black jean shorts and a tan crop-top. I put on black high-top converse, quickly braiding my hair straight back. I applied mascara, too lazy to do anything else. I finished in about 10 minutes, walking outside to see Matt sitting on the floor, phone in hand.

"Let's go."


"Earth to Sabrina!"

"Huh? Sorry," I mumbled, snapping back to reality.

"Why do you keep zoning out?" Nash asked.

"I don't know."

"Hey guys," Aaron spoke up, "Since it's our last full day here, we should all go to the beach."

"Yeah, I'm in." Jack J said.

"Same here," Taylor said.

Everyone agreed, and once we finished eating, we all went back to our hotel rooms to change.

I grabbed my white bikini and changed quickly in the bathroom, pulling my shorts and crop top over it. I stepped out and Matt went in so he could change.


"Hey, Sab!" Someone yelled, and I sighed.


"Come here!"

I groaned and got up from my comfortable spot on my towel, walking over to the guys.


"We're playing football and we're one person short." Jack G said.

"I'll play," I agreed, and the guys smiled.

"Alright, you're on Nash's team. Team NASHTY vs. Team PÜMA." Cameron smirked.

Team NASHTY consisted of me, Nash, Taylor, Jack J, and Carter.

Team PÜMA consisted of Cameron, Jack G, Matt, Aaron, and Shawn.

We got the ball first, and Nash didn't waste any time.

"16, 32, 74, HIKE!" He called out, and everyone tried to get open. He passed me the ball, and I dodged Jack G and Aaron, scoring a touch down.

"TOUCHDOWN BITCHES!" I yelled, laughing.

The score was now tied and we had the ball. Nash called out his random numbers, and passed me the ball. I ran past Shawn, and I was about to get a touchdown when strong arms wrapped around my waist and picked me up.

"HEY!" I yelled.

"THAT'S NOT IN THE RULES," Nash yelled as I was thrown over the person's shoulder.

"Now it is," Matt said as started laughing. He started running towards the opposite end, holding me up with ease.

"Watch!" Someone yelled, before Matt and I went tumbling onto the ground. I twisted my ankle weird, and it started hurting. Yeah, it hurt like a bitch.

"Dude, what the hell?" Matt asked angrily, sitting up. I slowly sat up as Nash ran over and sat beside me, gently holding my back up.

"It's not like I meant to, I tripped," Taylor argued. I guess he was the one who knocked us over.

As they were yelling back and forth, Nash said, "You alright?"

"Yeah," I sighed, and Matt stopped arguing with Taylor, turning around to face me.

"Sab, are you ok? Did you get hurt?" He asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said and Matt helped me up. I tried not to put too much pressure on my ankle because it hurt so bad.

"You're limping, Sab. Here." Matt said as he picked me up bridal-style. He carried me over to where our towels were, setting me down gently.

"I'll get some ice," Taylor said, running off with Shawn.

"Did you twist it?" Cameron asked, sitting next to me.

"I think so, I'll be ok. I'm fine guys, really." I said.

"I feel so bad. I'm so so so sorry, Sab-"

"Matt, it's alright. It wasn't your fault," I said, "It wasn't anyones fault."

"I just-"

"Matthew. Chill. It doesn't even hurt that much anymore," I said as Taylor and Shawn came back with the ice. Cam gently put it on my ankle.

"Guys, go have fun, I'm fine." I said sternly as the guys mumbled an ok. They all ran towards the water. Well, all of them except one.


"No, I don't want to go swimming, anyway."


"Sabrina, shut up."

I rolled my eyes, and looked out at the ocean.

I just don't get it. All of the guys have suddenly been wanting to hang out with me, alone. Shawn asked me to go out with him tomorrow, and you just can't say no to that face. I mean, first Taylor, then Carter, now Shawn? What's next, Gilinsky? What's going on?

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