Chapter Twenty Two

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idk i've been having a bad days
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[ twenty two ]

***Jack's POV***

44 days until we all went home.

I looked down at Sabrina in my arms. Her head was resting on my chest, her eyes closed and breathing softly. My arm was wrapped around her shoulder's, and I gently brushed a piece of hair away from her face.

It was only 7 in the morning, and I didn't want to wake her.

Natalie and Kristen didn't come back last night, probably with their boyfriends. And no, Sab and I didn't do anything along the lines of what you're thinking.

I know that I'm still in the whole 'bet' with Taylor and Matt, but honestly, Taylor's been taking it seriously. He can get... competitive, I'd say.

But, he has been hanging around with this girl. I think her name was Tobi, but none of us have met her yet besides Mahogany. Tobi seems nice from what she tells us, I just hope Taylor is with her for the right reasons.

I looked back down at Sab and smiled. I wasn't in this to break her. I honestly do like her, I just think that Taylor needs to realize that he can't bet on girls. I asked Sabrina out because I liked her, not to win a bet.

"Jack, why are you starring at me again?" Sabrina asked, looking up at me. I didn't realize she was awake.

"I already told you, because you're beautiful," she blushed. "And you look even more beautiful when you blush."

"Shut up," she mumbled, burying her face into my chest.

"Hey, don't hide your face," I said, putting my fingers under her chin, making her look at me. I grinned.

We both laid there together in comfortable silence until my phone started ringing.

"Can't we just stay here all day?" Sab groaned, and I chuckled, picking up my phone.

'where are u? we're all getting breakfast remember? -taylor'

I sighed and quickly sent back a response.

'I'm with Sabrina. We'll be down soon. -Jack'

"Everything ok?" She asked.

"Yeah, I just forgot that I have breakfast with the guys," I tossed my phone back onto the bed, "Come with?"

"I think I'll skip," she said, smirking.

I rolled my eyes and took my arm out from under her. I sat up, facing her, and started tickling her sides, causing her to squirm and squeal.

"Jack!" She yelled out in between laughs, "Stop!"

I smiled at her contagious laugh that I loved so much. I stopped, but held her sides, "Will you come?"

"Maybe," she said, and I started tickling her again.

"Ok! Ok! I'll come!" She yelled, and I stopped, smiling triumphantly.

"I gotta go to my room and change," I said, getting up, "I'll come back in 10," I leaned down and kissed her forehead before leaving.

I managed to somehow fall for her even more between yesterday and now. I just hope she felt the same about me.


***Sabrina's POV***

After Jack left, I smiled to myself.

I really did like him. Maybe what I thought I was feeling for Matt was actually for Jack. I couldn't be happier right now, honestly.

I rolled out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I pulled my hair up into a messy pony-tail and put on some mascara. I walked back out and grabbed a pair of white jean shorts from my suitcase, as well as a royal blue crop top. I quickly changed and pulled on my shoes as there was a knock on the door.

The door opened and Jack popped his head in, "Ready?"

I nodded and stood up, grabbing my phone.

"We're meeting everyone else down in the lobby," Jack said.

Oh, yeah. I also forgot to say something about this; remember how I was 'dating' Taylor? Well, when I told Matt it wasn't true, we told everyone else. Actually, we told everyone that we 'broke up.'

Jack took my hand in his and intertwined our fingers, smiling down at me. I smiled and we stepped into the elevator.

"Do you think the guys will be upset about us?" I randomly asked once the doors closed.

Jack shrugged, "It doesn't matter what they think. If we like each other, why would it?"

"You're right," I said as they opened. He squeezed my hand reassuringly as we walked towards everyone else.

Nash saw us first, and smiled once he noticed we were holding hands. He walked over.

"So I'm guessing you're a thing now?"

Jack wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his chest, "Yep," I smiled.

"Ready?" Cameron asked over everyone, and we all left the lobby and started walking down the street. It was nice out, and the place wasn't too far.

I noticed Cameron and Taylor drop back behind us all, walking slowly. I ignored it and wrapped my arm around Jack's torso, smiling up at him.


***Taylor's POV***

"What, Taylor?" Cam asked as we trailed behind everyone else.

"I need a couple more days before I tell Sabrina," I said hopefully.

"Taylor, I-"

"I know, man. She's just so happy now," I said through gritted teeth, "You don't want to wreck that, do you?"

Cameron looked ahead at Sabrina and Jack as they walked. Sab looked up at him and laughed, but they were too far ahead so I couldn't quite catch what he said. She did seem happy.

"I guess you're right," Cameron sighed, "I can't believe I'm keeping this from her..."

"She'll find out soon, bro. I promise."


super long chapter(:

will taylor tell sabrina the truth?

what do you guys think about jack and sabrina? cute or nah?

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