Chapter Four

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super short chapter, sorry!
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[ four ]

***Sabrina's POV***

The first day of the tour was today. And yes, Cameron was making me go.

I still don't know why I opened up to Matt. I mean, sure, he was nice and all, but I barely knew him. I just-

"Your prayers have been answered because Kristen Summers and Natalie O'Brien are here!" A voice sang, snapping me out of my thoughts. As soon as I looked up, the two girls practically tackled me.

"Can't," I choked out in between breaths, "Breath."

"Oh, sorry." Natalie said and they pulled away.

"Uh, how did-"

"Cameron called us." Kristen said.

"Nash did, too." Natalie said.

"Why?" I asked, and they sat in front of me. Natalie and Kristen were my two best friends, obviously, but I didn't know why they were here.

"They told us about Caleb, and well, you needed girl support." Kristen smiled.

"I'm fine guys, really."

"Uh huh. Keep telling yourself that, hun." Natalie said, and I rolled my eyes, "When does the meet and greet start?"

"30 minutes."

"I'll get the outfit," Natalie sighed.

"I got the hair," Kristen mumbled.

"I can do this by myself-"

"Nope," they said at the same time, and I laughed.


***Matt's POV***

"So, they're here?" Jack G asked Nash and Cameron, and they nodded.


"I'm gunna go down and check out the room. See you guys later." Cameron said, then left.

"Alright, does anyone else think Sabrina is insanely hot?" Taylor asked once he was gone. We all shot him a glare.

"What? It's true!" He argued, and we all mumbled a 'yeah' or an 'I know.'

"Now she's single," Carter said.

"So?" Nash asked, obviously uncomfortable with the topic.

"I'm challenging you all to a bet." Taylor smirked.

"What is it?" Aaron asked.

"Hm..." He debated, rubbing his imaginary beard, "Got it."

"First one to get Sabrina to fall for them wins," he smirked, "Gain any feelings for her, you lose."

"What's the point of this?" Shawn asked.

"What? Scared or somethin' boys?"

"No," everyone mumbled.

"Good. Bet's on. Good luck, and don't tell Cameron." Taylor said, and everyone nodded.

What did we just do?

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