Chapter Thirty Nine

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literally took me 2710107 years to update sorry

wherever you are // 5 seconds of summer

3000 miles // emblem 3

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[ thirty nine ]

***Sabrina's POV***

We're all leaving today.

It's been exactly 57 days I've been on this tour.

And in 57 days, I've managed to fall in love, meet amazing people, completely break down, gain new friendships, and have my life impacted dramatically- and you goddamn bet it was impacted in the best way possible.

Jack and I are going to try and make long distance work. Tobi and Taylor are, too, but Taylor said he'd visit her often. Kristen and Nash were definitely going to make it work, they had the strongest relationship out of us all. Matt said Alexis lived close by, so he'd see her often. I think Stephanie and Cam were a thing, but no one knew for sure. And as for the other guys, they aren't ready to commit just yet.

So, yeah, that's basically it with the relationships. I think the worst, though, will be the distance. I don't know when the tour will start again, or if it will start again. Don't get me wrong, we'll all definitely meet up eventually, just maybe not under the same circumstances.

"Well," Cameron said as he closed the trunk to the car. "That's it."

"Yeah," I said quietly, wrapping my arms around myself.

"Everyone else is already at the airport, let's go."

It took about 15 minutes to get there, and another 20 minutes to get through security. Everyone was gathered in a circle right in the middle of the airport, close to where you board your plane. We made our way over to the large group and they all said a minimum of words.

"Come on, guys," Taylor spoke up in a slightly upbeat voice as he wrapped an arm around Tobi. "Don't act like someones dying, here." The depressive tension mostly disappeared once he said that, and I was grateful. It was getting awkward, actually.

Nash cracked a smile, "Yeah. We'll all see each other again," he said. "Just not today or tomorrow. We've done the distance before." Everyone nodded hesitantly.

"But why does it feel so different this time?" Shawn asked no one in particular. We all remanded silent for a while before a voice over the loud speaker boomed through the large area.

"Gates 22-B and 17-A are now boarding."

Nash picked up his bag off the floor and Taylor slung his backpack over his shoulder. "17-A would be me," Taylor said.

He hugged everyone goodbye, and held onto me tightly. He said how he would keep in contact with me and how much he'll miss me and how much he loves me. Once he got to Tobi, you could tell she was attempting to hold back tears. It hurt me to watch, so I turned to face Nash. This is going to be hard.

He pulled me into his warm and protective embrace, holding onto me as if I would disappear. "I love you, alright? I'll visit soon, I promise. I know Jack will, too, he'll make it work. I'll miss you so much, Sab," he mumbled into my hair.

"I love you too, and I know you will. You can't stay away from the Dallas' even if you tried. But I'll miss you too, loser." I smiled a sad smile as we pulled apart. He smiled a sad smile as well, and went to his gate.

Eventually, one by one, everyone left. 30 minutes later stood Jack, Jack, Cameron, and I. Our flight was announced first.

I ran up to Gilinsky and hugged him tight. He lifted me easily for a few seconds before putting me down. We both couldn't really speak, at a loss for words and unsure of what to say. We stood there for a few minutes before our flight was announced again. I pulled away and pecked his lips. "I love you."

"I love you too, beautiful," he whispered. I could tell he was hurt by the tone of his voice. I never thought goodbyes would be this hard.

Once Cameron and I were on the plane, he looked at me with soft eyes. "We'll see them again, I promise."

"I know," I muttered. Right now I just wanted to do one thing that I was really good at.



"It's weird being home," Cam said from his bed. I spun around on his desk chair and faced him, then nodded.

"I've missed it, though. The whole tour felt almost unreal."

"Yeah," he agreed. "It always does. Hey, you're phone just went off."

"Throw it to me," I said. He unplugged it from the charger because it was closer to him and tossed it to me. I caught it and unlocked my phone, reading the text.

'i miss you, beautiful, and it's only been 3 hours. i'll see you soon, i promise. that was a pretty shitty goodbye i left you with- sorry about that, babe. stay strong for me. i love you.'

I smiled at Jack's text and replied with something along the same lines.

Maybe we could make this work. Maybe we all could. I've given up on us easily before and I don't plan on doing it again, especially now. What we had was too good to throw away.

Distance is a bitch and theres nothing we can do about it besides get on a plane, fly the 3000 miles, and see what you've missed. And hell, you know I would do that.

We all would.

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