Chapter Thirteen

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ooh, is sab falling for him? or is she just confused?
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[ thirteen ]

***Sabrina's POV***

"Taylor, just give me a fucking fry." I said, reaching for the fries. Taylor pulled them away from me playfully.

"They're mine," He argued.

"So? Just give me one!"



"God, you guys fight like you're a married couple," Nash groaned. We were all eating lunch at the hotel.

"Just go cuddle up to Kristen over there," Taylor shot back, causing everyone to chuckle. Nash and Kristen's face's turned bright red.

I finally reached over Taylor and grabbed a fry, quickly putting it in my mouth. I smiled triumphantly as I chewed, while Taylor shot me a glare.

"Alright, we'll see you guys later," Aaron said as he stood up. Nash, Kristen, Jack G, Jack J, Carter, and Shawn stood up, too.

"Where the hell are you all going?" Taylor asked, chewing on a a handful of fries at one time.

"Going to the movies," Shawn shrugged.

"Have fun," Nat pipped up and they left.

"Alright, Sab and I are gunna walk around. See ya," Taylor said as we stood up. We made our way up to my room and grabbed our Penny Boards we put in there earlier.

Once outside, we started riding around on the sidewalks.

"So, Matt, huh?" Taylor asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked, pushing off my foot to catch up speed.

"I can tell, you know."

"That obvious?"

"Maybe," he shrugged, pushing off his foot, "Just one problem."

"Which is?"

"Matt has a girlfriend," Taylor said as we turned a corner. We kicked up our boards and started walking.

"He has a girlfriend?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah, for about a week now."


"He didn't tell anyone, though, just the guys. Not even his fans know. I think he's waiting for it to get serious before telling them," Taylor said and I nodded in understanding.

"Well, what about all the other guys?" He asked.

"What about them?"

"Haven't you been hanging out with them?"

"Yeah, they're all nice. I don't really think of them as anything more than a friend, though."

"Yeah, I see what you mean," Taylor said.


"Hey, Sabrina." Matt smiled as he sat next to me, "What are you reading?"

"The Fault In Our Stars by John Green," I said, marking my page and closing the book. I set it down on the floor next to me.

"I love that book," Matt said. We were currently sitting in the hallway of the hotel on the floor.

"Me too. This is the fourth time I've read it," I laughed.

"I can't wait for the movie to come out."

"Me either," I agreed, and we sat in a slightly awkward silence. Should I say something about his girlfriend? Or should I wait? Maybe-

"Hey, Sab?" Matt cut me off from my train of thought.


"I want to tell you something," He mumbled, looking down at his lap.

"Alright..." I trailed off.

"I, uh, I have a girlfriend." He said quietly. So I guess it's true.

"That's great," I smiled, "I'm happy for you."

"You're not mad that I didn't tell you?" He asked.

"No, I don't blame you. I would wait until it got serious and stuff, too."

"Thanks," He smiled, leaning over and hugging me. I hugged him back and we pulled apart.

"I'm dating someone, too." I quickly said before I could think anything against it.

"Really?" Matt asked, "Who?"

"Uh..." I trailed off, and saw Taylor coming down the hallway, texting. He's going to hate me for this, "Taylor!" I said loudly, and he looked up.

"Seriously?" Matt asked surprised.

"Uh, yeah!" I got up and ran over to Taylor, hugging him. He was confused at first, then hugged back.

"Play along, I'll explain later," I whispered so only he could hear.

"Hey, babe," He said, and I smiled. Thank you, Taylor.

We pulled apart, and Matt was now standing. He smiled and said goodbye to us before going into his room. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and Taylor gave me a confused look.

"What the hell?" He asked, and I smiled an apologetic smile.

"Uh, surprise?"

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