Chapter Sixteen

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i love this chapter. things may be going a little fast right now, but it's not ending soon, don't worry(:
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[ sixteen ]

***Sabrina's POV***

"Taylor?" I asked, walking into his room. The door was open and the room was a mess. I saw him laying on the bed, shirtless, very focused on his laptop.

I rolled my eyes and picked up a shirt off the floor, throwing it at him. It hit his face and he looked up, "Hey, fuuuuu-" Taylor didn't finish that statement.

"Hey to you, too." I laughed.

"What's up?" He asked as I sat down next to him.

"Nothing. What are you doing?"

"I just recorded a song, wanna hear?" He asked and I raised my eyebrows, surprised.

"You sing?"

"Rap," Taylor shrugged, "I recorded it as a joke at first, but now I'm actually working really hard on it."

I picked up the headphones connected to the laptop and listened to what he had so far. It was really good, actually.

"What's it called?" I asked, taking off the headphones.

"Buckwild. I did it with 2Virgins."

"2Virgins?" I laughed.

"Yeah," he chuckled, "How's that whole thing going with Matt?"

I sighed, "I don't know. He seems to really like Steph."

"I don't think so. You look at him differently than anyone else, I can see it." Taylor paused for a second, "You love him, don't you?"

"No," I said without thinking, "I don't."


"I don't want another relationship right now. I don't want to fall in love, I can't deal with it again."

"Deal with what again?" Taylor asked gently. I can't believe I'm telling him all this.

"I don't want to get hurt again, Taylor. It comes to a point when you've just had enough. Everyone swears they won't leave me, or that they won't hurt me, or that they'll always be there for me. But in the end, everyone turns out the be the person they swore they'd never become."

"You're not the only one who's been hurt in love. You just have to learn how to love again."

"I don't want to learn how to love again," I whispered.

"Maybe you don't want to, but maybe you need to."

Taylor gently lifted his hand up to my cheek, and wiped away a tear that fell. I didn't even notice I started crying. What is wrong with me? There is no way I could love that boy, I just met him.

I looked up at Taylor to see him starring down at me, cupping my cheek. He started to lean in closer, and I didn't do anything to stop him. I glanced down at his lips quickly, and our faces were a couple inches apart. My stomach twisted into knots and I felt butterflies. Maybe it wasn't Matt I was feeling everything for, but Taylor.

I quickly pulled away when I heard the door slam open. Taylor sat up and I looked up to see a very angry Matt. I met his intense gaze and he left, without a word.

"Sabrina..." Taylor trailed off, and I shook my head.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. I made a quick decision and got up, chasing after Matt.

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