Chapter Thirty Six

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ALRIGHT! finally the chapter that should explain everything
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[ thirty six ]

***Sabrina's POV***

"Sabrina," Matt jogged up to me. I stood silent, ignoring him, and the elevator doors opened. I stepped inside, only to have him follow me. I let out a breath as the doors closed. "Hear me out," he pleaded. I pressed the button to the lobby.

"About what?" I snapped. I continued and didn't let him answer, "About how you, Cam, Nash, Carter, and Jack helped a criminal leave the country? What in your right fucking mind told you that would be a good idea?"

"We didn't have a choice, Sabrina!" He snapped, "You don't know this man."

"Neither do you!"

"You don't understand!" Matt practically yelled, then sighed. He began again with a much softer tone, "The guys and I were running out of money." I had no clue where this was going. "We spent it all on useless shit, you know- cars, cameras, trips. It got to a point where we were just so desperate for money..." He trailed off, thinking for a second or two. "Then, this man came to us with an offer- an easy way to make $20,000."

"Get him out of the country," I finished for him, refusing to look him in the eye. The elevator doors opened and I stepped out, but Matt pulled me aside. "Hey, I have to meet Tobi and Luke-"

"I'm not finished yet. You wanted the truth, and now you're getting it, so kindly, shut the hell up." I decided against protesting and crossed my arms. "But yeah, we helped him out of the country. He just never told us that he needed the money back, which now he's threatening us. Magcon never gave us that much money, and we didn't want money from it- it was all about the fans. Well now we need it, and we're basically screwed," he explained, and it all was starting to make sense.

"So, how are you getting him the money?" I asked.

"I don't know," Matt muttered. He looked down at his feet once my phone started ringing, and I pulled it out of my pocket. It was Luke.

"Matt, I have to go," I said quietly. He didn't even look up, so I walked away, leaving him stand there.


"Are you sure you want to come?" Tobi asked hesitantly from the back seat. I sighed and rested my head against the cold window.

"Yeah," I said. "Matt explained the whole thing to me right before I met up with you guys. If they won't clean up their own shit, I will."

"Kind of like how I have to clean up my dads," Luke muttered under his breath from the driver's seat. He gripped the wheel tightly as his knuckles started to turn white. I could tell he was pissed off about the whole thing, and he wouldn't be in a sweet mood when he talked to Joe- where we're going now.

We sat in silence until Luke pulled into the parking lot- the parking lot to the bar where we met. It was practically empty, besides a few cars, mainly because it was 1 in the afternoon.

We climbed out of the car and walked inside. I stayed behind Luke and Tobi as he lead the way. The man sitting at the bar stool looked up, and a smirked played at his lips once he met Luke's eyes.

"Haven't seen you in a while, mate," he said. I noticed an Australian accent similar to Luke's. This man seemed super familiar, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"I don't feel like playing around," Luke snapped.

"It's Friday," he said. "Where's the money?" Tobi tensed up a little from beside me, and Luke folded his arms over his chest.

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