Chapter Twenty Eight

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super short chapter, but yeah
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[ twenty eight ]

***Sabrina's POV***

"Tomorrow?" Nash asked quietly. I just told him everything, including how I was leaving.

"Yeah," I mumbled looking down at my feet, picking at the duvet covers on my bed.

"Will you come back to the tour?" He asked as I looked up, catching his bright blue eyes.

"I don't know yet," I replied. He let out a sigh.

"Come on," Nash stood up. "Let's go down by the guys. I think they're playing truth or dare." He smiled and extended his hand out to me.

I rolled my eyes, smiling, as I took it and stood up. He turned around and bent down so I could jump on his back. I did, and he gave me a piggy-back ride to Aaron's room.


"Alright," I looked around, "Cameron, truth or dare."

"Dare," he said coolly, leaning back against the wall. We all sat in a large circle around Aaron's room on the floor.

"I dare you to go down to the lobby and hold an old lady's hand," I smiled, "But record it."

He nodded and stood up, "Carter, c'mon." Carter and Cam left before Taylor spoke up.

"Sabrina, truth or dare?"

"Dare," I said as I leaned into Nash's chest. He was pretty damn comfortable.

"I dare you to go in the hall with Gilinsky for 10 minutes," he smirked as everyone remained silent.

Jack sent me a sympathetic look, almost saying that I didn't have to. I knew I couldn't say no, mainly because it was a dare. Then again, there was also a little part of me that wanted to go out in the hall with him.

I let out a shallow breath and stood up, "Let's go." We both walked out as I heard Kristen yelling at Taylor.

Jack shut the door as I walked across the hall and sat down. Jack sat across from me against the other wall.

We sat in silence for a while until I decided to mention how I was leaving.

"When?" He asked.

"Tomorrow," I said quietly. Jack nodded.

I looked up and met his brown eyes. We both starred at each other without saying a word. He ran a hand through his dark hair, causing it to slightly stand up above his forehead. His eyes shinned, but seemed dull and lifeless at the same time. He clenched his jaw, and I couldn't help but notice his jaw line. I mean, damn. (A/N: shoutout to jl)

I studied him. I watched as his eyes moved slightly, almost as if he were studying me, too.


***Jack's POV***

I debated on telling Sabrina the truth. It physically hurt me to be without her, but I wanted her to be happy. If she's happy without me, then I'll let her be.

'Fight for her.'

Kristen's words rang over and over in my head. How am I supposed to fight for her? All she does is push me away. I try to get close, and I did, but she did what she does best.

I watched her closely as her eyes never left mine. Her blue eyes sparkled, but held a greater emotion to them. She looked shattered. She was ready to go home.

I just don't blame her. Sabrina didn't even want to be here in the first place, thinking we were all selfish assholes. I bet she still does, now. How could I fuck everything up?

"Jack?" She whispered.


"Do you want me to go?"

I studied her face again. When I didn't answer, she looked down at her feet. It would be better for both of us if she left. We can't be around each other like this everyday, it's not fair to us and everyone else. We're just making everyone miserable. But I wanted her to stay, and for that, I'm goddamn selfish. I just don't care.


***Third Person***

Sabrina tugged the suitcase outside to the car. Cameron lifted it into the trunk and shut it, coming back around to talk to her. He leaned against the passenger's side.

"Ready?" Cameron asked. Sabrina nodded slightly, hesitant to leave. She felt as if she was forgetting something. Little did she know it wasn't something she was missing, but someone.

Cameron got into the driver's side of the car as Sabrina tapped the window. Cameron rolled it down as she said, "I think I left my jacket on the bed. I'll be right back."

She jogged inside and up to her room, spotting the light jacket on the bed. She grabbed it and made her way back down to the lobby.

Jack sat in his room quietly. He thought everything through. Fight for her. Jack sighed and angrily threw his phone on the floor, running a hand through his dark hair while letting out a deep breath. This was all his fault. At least, thats what he thinks.

Making a quick decision, he got up and ran downstairs, just as Sabrina was walking out of the hotel.

"Sabrina!" He called, chasing her out. She stopped and turned around. "I don't want you to go."

She looked up with a blank expression.

"Sabrina, I need you to stay here with me. I- I just... please..."

"Jack..." she whispered, but he continued.

"I need you here. We need each other. I-" Jack paused, "I want you here. Just please don't get in the car with him." He whispered the last part, and Sabrina studied his face.


"Sabrina?" Cameron rolled down the window. "Are you coming?"

Sabrina looked back and forth between the two guys, trying to figure out what to do.

She took in a shaky breath as she made up her mind, believing it was the right decision; just maybe not the best decision for everyone else.



not like dating bc cam's her bro. obviously. but yeahh, what do you guys think?

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