Chapter Ten

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super short, but hey, the good stuff is just beginning(;
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[ ten ]

***Cameron's POV***

I made my way down to Carter's room to ask him about our trip. Apparently we were going straight to Dallas. Yeah, imagine that flight.

I was about to knock when I overheard him and someone talking. Being me, I decided to listen in.

"... impossible. Dude, she's catching on." Is that Shawn?

"No she's not."

"Yeah, she is. She's trying to back out of going to the movies today," He said.

"Bro, it's fine. Sabrina won't find out," Carter said. Wait, Sabrina? Find out what?

"I don't know, man..." Shawn trailed off, and I knocked loudly before barging in.

"Hey," I said casually, "What time is our flight?"


***Sabrina's POV***

"Where the hell have you two been?" I asked Natalie and Kristen as they walked into my room.

"Around," Kris shrugged.

"Packed yet?" Nat asked and I nodded, gesturing over to the large suitcase.

"Ok. So, I-" Nat started, but my phone started ringing loudly. I shot them an apologetic smile as I grabbed it.

Blocked I.D.

What the hell? Who would be calling blocked? Kristen and Nat sat down across from me as I answered.



"Who is this?"

"Meet me outside the hotel. You can trust me," The deep voice on the other end said, before hanging up.

I pulled the phone away from my ear as Kristen and Natalie shot me a confused look. I shrugged and got up, making my way down to the lobby.

I stepped outside, and looked around, seeing no one.

"Sabrina?" A deep voice said, and I turned around.

"No fucking way."

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