Chapter Three

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the line below about heartbreak is from my friend's book, intervals, so i take no credit for it. you should go read it, it's actually amazing.(:
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[ three ]

***Sabrina's POV***

A blocked number texted me.

'Caleb misses you! xoxo'

I opened the picture attached, and just froze. It was a picture of Caleb kissing some blonde chick.

"Not anymore." I said, answering Carter's question.

Did he seriously just cheat on me like that? I mean, I haven't seen him in two weeks. Was it that easy to just move on from me? Was I just some backup girl? Was this all a game to him?

"Sabrina?" Someone asked, snapping me out of my thoughts, but I didn't move.

I was prepared for my heart to sink, or to start bawling, but it never came. I was ready to start shaking from the uncontrollable tears or have a panic attack. I was ready for heartbreak. But it never came.

I felt someone look over my shoulder and down at my phone to see what I was looking at.


I just stood up without a word, all eyes on me, and walked out. I didn't even bother shutting the door, I just wanted to leave. As I walked down the hall, I heard distant voices start talking.

I walked outside of the hotel to the bench I sat on with Nash earlier. I sighed and looked out into the sun slowly setting. I couldn't really believe that he cheated on me; especially after 7 months. Did Caleb really even love me?

"Sabrina?" A deep voice asked softly, and I didn't bother looking up. I felt the presence of someone sitting down beside me, "Are you ok?"

"Fine," I mumbled.

"You don't have to lie to me," Matt said.

"I was with him for 7 months." I said after a few minutes of silence, "And he just cheated on me."

I turned to face Matt, easily getting lost in his deep brown eyes.

"I was ready for heartbreak when I saw that picture, Matt. It never came. I guess as the weeks we spent apart went on-"

"Your feelings faded away." He finished for me, and I nodded slightly, "I know how you feel. It happened to me before, too. It sucks, but sometimes it's for the best."

"Maybe," I sighed, "I'm sorry. I just want to be alone right now and think about all this." I said quietly, standing up and walking away. Why did I just tell some guy that I barely knew my feelings and past?


***Matt's POV***

I watched as Sabrina walked away. I truly did know how she felt, I wasn't just saying it to try and comfort her.

I just don't know why I said it. I never really told anyone about it. What made me tell some girl I barely even knew?

I stood up and made my way back up to the Jacks' hotel room, where we were playing truth or dare earlier.

"I'm going to kill that kid." I heard Cameron say as I opened the door.

"Cam, relax." Nash said, trying to calm him down.


Once I shut the door, everyone got quiet and looked up at me.

"Well?" Nash asked.

"She just wants to be alone," I said as I sat down next to Carter on the floor.

Cameron sighed and sat on the bed, while Nash put his head in his hands.

"I knew this was a mistake." Cameron mumbled.

"What was?"

"Bringing her here."

"No, it wasn't. Maybe if we go find her and-"

"Guys, shut up." Nash snapped, "Sabrina already thinks we're all stuck up assholes who only care about ourselves. Maybe we should just leave her alone and give her space, like she wants."

"What?" Jack J asked.

"It's true." Cameron mumbled, "That's why she never came before. Now she's probably not going to talk to anyone."

"Well what can we do?" Aaron asked.

"Right now, nothing." Nash said, looking back at Cameron, "But I know someone who can."

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