Chapter Twenty Five

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super short chapter, but yeah
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[ twenty five ]

***Sabrina's POV***

"Jack... what?" I asked.

"I'll go," Taylor said quietly before leaving.

I looked up at Jack to see him looking down at me with sadness. He bit his lip slightly before breaking eye contact, "I'm sorry." He whispered.

I stood up, "Wow, so I was kinda like nothing to you, huh?" I said quietly.

"Sabrina, that's not it at all. I-"

"It was all a lie, was it? Everything you said was plain bullshit," I muttered.

"It was real, Sabrina, everything was real. Everything I've said and everything we've done; it was real," Jack said, now standing, too.

"Then why would you bet on me?" I said sternly. Jack remained silent.

"Loving you was inevitable, but trusting you? That's suicide. I did that to myself."

I made my way towards the door to leave, but Jack grabbed my wrist and spun me around, pulling me towards him. Almost all of me wanted to rush into his arms again. I searched his eyes carefully but saw no sign of what really happened.

"Don't go," he whispered. I leaned in a little closer until our lips were inches apart. I felt his breath down my neck as we stood close.

"I trusted you, you lying piece of fucking shit," I whispered before pulling my wrist out of his grip. I made my way to the door and ignored everything telling me to turn around.

I left and didn't look back.


***Kristen's POV***

I was walking down the hall to my room until I saw Sabrina ahead of me. She looked as if she was about to break down.

"Sabrina," I said as she ran up to me. I immediately wrapped my arms around her in a comforting way. "What happened?"

"All the guys bet on me," she said as we pulled apart, "It was Jack's idea."

"What?" I asked. Jack?

"Yeah, that's what Taylor said. jack didn't deny it. I'm sorry, I just want to be alone right now." Sab said before walking off into her room.

I made my way to Jack's room and knocked on the open door as I walked in. He was sitting on the edge of his bed, head in his hands, not bothering to look up.

"Jack?" I asked quietly, sitting next to him.

"Did Sabrina tell you?" He asked as he looked up.

"Yeah," I said. "Why did you agree to making up the bet?"

"Because I love her," he said quietly, "I couldn't ruin her friendship with Taylor over that. I couldn't risk her happiness... Even if that meant losing her."

"But, why didn't you tell her that?" I asked, referring to how he would rather her be happy instead of himself.

"I saw the way she looked at me yesterday, and I saw the way she looked at me just before. I think I'd rather have her hate me than feel sorry for me. It's not worth it, but she is. She's worth it," Jack replied, and I saw love clear in his eyes.

"Taylor's just going to get her, though. Who knows what he'll do," I reasoned. Jack shook his head.

"He's with this girl, Tobi. Apparently he has been for a while, but didn't tell anyone. He wouldn't dare to think of hurting her, not even for a second."

"How do you know?"

"Mahogany knows her," Jack muttered, "She told me."

"But what are you going to do about Sabrina?"

"I let her go. I want her to be happy, even though it will ruin me. There's nothing more I can do," Jack said, looking down.

"Don't say that," I replied, "You guys have only been dating for a week, and I can see the way you look at each other. It's different then everyone else; she hasn't looked at anyone else like that. Jack, you make her happy. Fight for her."

He shook his head, "I can only do so much. She needs to do what she wants."

"Bullshit," I said and he looked up at me, "Jack Gilinsky, fight for her."

Jack starred at me for a minute or two. He studied my face and I took the opportunity to search his eyes. I couldn't see anything besides love, hurt, and sadness. He truly loved her. I can't see Sabrina with anyone else, and I know she feels the same about him, too. She's just hurt right now.

Jack let out a shallow breath before slowly nodding.

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