Chapter Fourteen

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i think it's getting good, ok. even though this chapter is short.
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[ fourteen ]

***Sabrina's POV***

"So, how long do we have to do this?" Taylor asked. He looked up at me with brown eyes and I sighed, sitting across from him on my bed. I just explained everything, and I was relieved he agreed.

"I don't know. Not long. I'm so sorry, Taylor. I wasn't thinking. I-"

"Sabrina, it's fine. You'd do the same for me." He said, and I nodded.

"Thanks," I mumbled.

"No problem. So, girlfriend, what do you want to do?" Taylor asked sarcastically.

"Nothing. I want to sleep."

"It's three in the afternoon."

"I don't care."

"Alright," He chuckled, "Goodnight, Sab." He said before leaving. I laid back in my bed and starred up at the ceiling.

Did I have serious feelings for Matt? I just met him, like, three weeks ago. How do I have feelings for him already?

It's not like it matters, anyhow. Caleb was right. Matt would never like me. He has a girlfriend, anyway. Honestly, he seems really happy now. I'm glad he is, I really am.

Maybe I should just forget about everything.

Then again, Matt thinks I'm with Taylor. Why the fuck did I even say that again? Oh, right, I'm an idiot. Maybe I can get over this whole 'possible feelings' thing for Matt.


I was woken up by someone singing. Not very good, by the way.

"Baby, let me put your panties to the side..." Oh, nice lyrics.

"... Imma make you feel alright, 'cause Imma give you what you need, yeah..." Isn't this that song by Chris Brown?

"Mama you remind me of something, but I don't know-"

"Taylor, shut up!" I heard someone yell. Probably Natalie. "Sabrina's sleeping."

"Sorry." Yeah, that's Taylor.

"So, it's official?" Someone asked. Cam?

"Yeah." Another voice said. Kristen. "Nash and I are officially dating." Wait, what?

"Finally!" Taylor yelled, causing everyone to shush him. Alright, maybe I was eavesdropping on their conversation.

"And Taylor, you're dating Sabrina, right?" A different voice asked. Matt. Definitely Matt. I could recognize that voice anywhere.

"Uh..." He trailed off, "Yeah." Alright, I'm getting up now, mainly because I don't trust Taylor with this.

I sat up and walked out into the hallway where everyone was, sitting on the floor. I sat next to Taylor purposely, and he wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked.

"Good," I mumbled. Everyone went back to their conversation.

"So, when did you two become official?" Natalie asked.

"Uh..." Taylor trailed off, looking at me for help.

"Two days ago," I answered. Nat nodded.

"Stephanie is coming in tonight for the tour. She's only staying for a week, though." Matt pipped up.

"Stephanie?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said, "My girlfriend." I nodded.

"So, let's go meet the other guys in the lobby?" Cameron asked, breaking the awkward tension.


"Where'd Taylor go?" Kristen asked, sitting on her bed.

"Back to his room."

"Oh. Are you excited to meet Stephanie?"

"It's not a big deal," I shrugged.

"Sab, I know-"

"It's not that obvious, ok!"

"Whatever," Kris laughed, "I think Nat and Cameron have something going on." She said as I took a sip of my water. Yeah, I almost choked.

"You-" I said in between coughs, "What?"

"You heard me! They've been hanging out a lot."

"So? That doesn't mean anything." I said once I recovered from my mini heart-attack.

"You know-"

"Hey, can I come in?" Someone at the door asked. I looked up and saw Matt, then nodded. He walked in with the last person I thought would be here.

"Stephanie?" Kristen and I both said at the same time, completely shocked.

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