Chapter Thirty Five

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sorry it took so long. i had the whole chapter up and then it deleted ugh
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[ thirty five ]

***Sabrina's POV***

Luke and I walked into the lobby to see Tobi walking in as well. She smiled and waved before setting her light green eyes upon Luke.

"Luke?" She asked as he turned his head to look at her.

"Tobi?" He asked quietly. Tobi smiled wide and ran up to him, hugging him tightly. Luke snaked his arms around her waist. I hope they aren't dating or anything because that would be pretty damn awkward. Wait, I don't even know if Tobi's still with Taylor. I have to ask her about that soon.

"Uh, I guess you guys know each other?" I asked as they pulled apart. Luke grinned.

"Yeah, he's my brother," Tobi said and he nodded.

"Brother?" I asked. Well, I didn't see that one coming. I guess they looked somewhat alike- blonde hair, same skin color, similar facial features.

"Why did you come down here?" Tobi asked Luke. I was actually curious about that as well.

"Well, I came to clean up the mess dad made," he said. Tobi nodded. "I just want this whole thing to be over and done with. I'm tired of the shit he's put us through, and I just want him gone."

"I can agree with that," Tobi muttered.

"Sabrina also has a plan to get the answers we all want," he smiled as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I explained everything to Tobi and she thought it over carefully.

"But, what about the money?" She asked.

"Yeah, what if they can't get it to him by Friday? I mean, it's Sunday now," I pipped up.

"I can help with that," Luke said after thinking about it for a minute. "I'll give them what they need."

"Luke, a whole $20,000?" I asked.

Tobi's eyes widened, "$20,000?"

"Yeah," he said ignoring Tobi's question. "I have money. I'll do whatever it takes to get my dad out of my life. I don't want to deal with the punishment of his mistakes."

Tobi and I shared a look before hesitantly giving in. Cameron, Nash, Carter, Matt, and Jack need to do what's right and give the money back. They shouldn't've even helped the man in the first place. I don't even care where this goes, I just want answers.

***Tobi's POV***

"Guys, this is Luke," Sabrina introduced him to everyone. Nash, Carter, Matt, Jack, and Cameron all looked up once she said the name. Their faces held one of three emotions: hatred, fear, and anger. I guess they remembered him.

I know this seems utterly confusing and unfair that we're doing this. I mean, I want answers too. I knew that these guys weren't innocent when I joined the tour. Hell, that's why I joined the tour. I'm not completely sure why they agreed to help my dad. Maybe he threatened them or something, but they could've just paid him back. I just don't understand why my dad got them to do it. I get that no one would suspect them, but how the hell would some teenagers pull it off? There's definitely more to the story than what we know.

I know what you're thinking. No, I'm not some manipulative, self-centered bitch. If your dad left you without a goodbye or reason why, right after your mom died, I don't think you'd blame me. I want to know so many things. Why did he leave us? Couldn't he have just taken responsibility for his actions? Why didn't he tell us anything? Was it hard for him to leave us? Was it hard to leave me?

These questions eat you alive each day. The more and more time I had without him, the more and more answers I wanted- needed. I had to live two years of my life without parents, the teenage years. Was I even worth it to him? Did he even care?

Sure, this may seem confusing, sudden, and unreasonable. Sabrina was the only way we could get answers. She was the key to get into their lives. Luke just took it a step further and faster.

My phone buzzed, snapping me out of my thoughts, and I took it out of my pocket.

'Lobby in 5 minutes. -Joe'

I nudged Luke and he read the text silently. He looked up a few moments later with questioning eyes, and I nodded slightly. He gave me a 'call me if you need anything' look and I excused myself, saying I was going to get a sweatshirt from my room.

I made my way down to the lobby to see Joe standing tall, eyes on me.

"Can I help you?" I asked, slight disgust lacing my words. He worked for my father, and therefore, I don't want anything to do with him.

"Jack knows I'm here," he said sternly, getting to the point. "I saw him with Sabrina, and when the opportunity came, I took it. I pulled him aside and had a civil conversation with him," he paused. "That is, before Sabrina almost caught me. Mr. Hemmings wants-"

"Don't mention his name-"

"He wants the money. He's planning on moving again, secretive this time. I don't know where, so don't get any ideas."

"He's leaving?" I asked quietly. This means no more threats or consequences.

"Well, yes, once he gets the money," Joe said. "Something these boys don't plan on giving him."

"Why won't they, if they have it?" I asked. Didn't they help him before?

"It's not that they wont, but it's that they don't have it. Give $20,000 to 5 teenage boys and see how long it lasts." I scoffed at his statement.

"They have to have some of it," I said.

"Yes, but $10,000 won't cut it," Joe said. "There's also something else."

I remained silent and sighed when Joe didn't continue, "What?"

"Your father, he wants the money, yes, but also something else," he showed no emotion. "He wants you and Luke to leave with him."

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