Chapter Twenty Four

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sorry it's taken me so long to update, i've been super busy.
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[ twenty ]

***Sabrina's POV***

"Look at that one," Jack smiled, pointing to a picture of us on my laptop. We were looking at each other, and I was laughing at him while he smiled down at me. Jack had whip-cream all over his face from a smackcam, and of course, being the amazing girlfriend I am, laughed at him.

"I like this one," I pointed to one of us walking down the street holding hands. I wasn't completely sure who took it, but we both looked really happy.

"Sabrina, I-"

Taylor burst into my room and I looked up from my laptop with Jack. We were sitting on the bed and once Taylor saw us, a small grin made it's way to his face.

"Uh, Taylor, can we help you with something?" Jack asked.

"Yeah," Taylor said, "Sabrina, I have to tell you something." I remained silent and so did Jack, "Alone."

"You can say it in front of us, Taylor," I chuckled nervously.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," Jack said, and Taylor gave him an apologetic glare.


***Jack's POV***

"Yeah," I said as Taylor gave me an apologetic glare. What is up with him?

"I, uh- um, well- I-"

"Spit it out!" Sab said impatiently.

"A couple weeks ago, all the guys bet on you," Taylor said, making my heart immediately drop. "First one to make you fall in love with them, wins; if they gain any feelings for you, they lost."

Sabrina remained silent and I could tell she was trying to process it all.

He continued, "Most of the guys dropped out, but a few didn't. Cameron didn't know."

"Who started it?" Sabrina whispered, refusing to meet his eyes.

Taylor glanced at me, "Your boyfriend did."

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