Chapter Nineteen

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so i started writing another book. nothing is published yet, and it's nothing like these fan fictions. i can't wait to post it(:
comment, vote, fan x

[ nineteen ]

***Sabrina's POV***

"Sabrina!" Taylor whined, and I turned around.


"I need your help," he said.


"Well, I-"

"Oh, is it about that girl you met yesterday? Tobi, right?" I smirked.

"No," Taylor said, blushing.

"Aw, Tay, you like her!"

"I don't! I was just going to ask if you could talk to Cameron for me. He's pissed about something," Taylor said.

"Alright, I'll try to find him." I said, walking away, "Oh, and I like Tobi. I approve," I smiled, earning a glare from Taylor.


***Cameron's POV***

I didn't think these guys could be such douches.

I finally got it out of Nash. They made a fucking bet on my sister. Who the hell does that?

I saw Taylor's bright blue bandanna from down the hall and jogged up to him.

"Hey, man," Taylor smiled.

"We gotta talk," I said sternly, walking away. He followed me and I made sure we were out of earshot, "You made a fucking bet on Sabrina?"

"What?" He seemed surprised, "No! Why would I?"

"Nash told me," I spat, "Don't lie."

"I'm not, man," I didn't believe him.

"If you don't tell Sabrina, I will. You have two days to tell her. Don't make me hate you more than I already do right now."


***Sabrina's POV***

"Hey, Matt, have you seen Cam?" I asked as I walked up to him.

"Nope, sorry," he said.

"Alright," I sighed, "Then I give up."

Matt chuckled, "I was just about to watch a movie. Want to join?"

"Sure," I smiled.


"So, American Horror Story?" Matt asked.

"Yeah," I said, and he pulled it up on Netflix. (a/n: yeah i have no clue if it's actually on netflix so just go with it)

Halfway through the movie I felt Matt's intense gaze burning into the side of my head. I looked up to meet his eyes.

"Are you still with Taylor?" He randomly asked.

I looked down, "Uh, yeah, about that. Taylor and I were never really dating."


"I just said we were because you liked Stephanie, and I don't know. I wasn't even thinking. I-"

"Sab," Matt cut me off, "It's ok." He chuckled.

"Alright, good." I sighed.

"Stephanie broke up with me two days ago, anyway," Matt said, "I guess she was interested in Shawn or something. I don't know."

"Oh," I said, "I'm sorry."

"It's alright," Matt shrugged.

We continued to watch the movie for a while, but I felt Matt's strong gaze again. I looked up.

"Is there something on my face?" I laughed, and Matt blushed.

"No, you're just beautiful." Now it was my turn to blush.

We both turned our attention back to the movie, but I realized that I haven't seen Nash in a while. Nobody's really said anything about him, either.

"I know this is probably a bad time to ask, but where has Nash been?"

"I'm actually not sure."


It was around 2 in the morning when Nash texted me.

'meet me on the rooftop? -nash'

I made my way up, and saw Nash leaning against the railing, looking at the view. I walked over and stood next to him.

"Thanks. I know it's late," Nash said quietly.

I shrugged, "It's no problem."

We sat in a comfortable silence for a while, just enjoying each other's company.

"Is Kristen seeing someone else?" He randomly asked.

"What? What even makes you think that?"

"She's just been distant lately. Do you think I did something?" Nash turned to face me.

"No, not at all, she's probably just homesick. I know she only wants you," I smiled.

"I really like her."

"I can tell."

"What about you? Matt, Taylor, Gilinsky?" Nash said.

"We're all just friends," I sighed.

"You've been saying that for a while. I see otherwise."

"What do you mean?"

"You look at him differently than anyone else. You can deny it all you want, Sab, I know you like him." Nash said, and I looked back out at the view.

"Me too," I said quietly.

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