Chapter Thirty Four

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so some of you were confused in the previous chapter. basically, jack, cam, nash, matt, and carter all were involved in something in the past. (you'll find out this chapter what it was.) it wasn't good, and now the past is coming back to haunt them- hence the threats to sabrina. i hope this helps explain it a little better, and if not, message me. (:
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[ thirty four ]

***Sabrina's POV***

I feel like a game. I'm constantly being played by these guys and I'm tired of it. I want answers- something they won't give to me. That's why I've decided to go meet the unknown man.

I looked over the note again and let out a breath. It was 10:20 now, and the guys are all doing something. I made my way to the bar and walked in.

It wasn't very busy, but there was enough people to get lost in. I walked towards the back of the bar where a tall, muscular figure sat.

He took a sip of his beer as I stood next to him, looking up. He smiled, "Sabrina," I noticed a slight accent, Australian, maybe. "Glad you came."

"I just want answers," I said loudly over the people talking. He nodded and gestured towards the empty stool next to him for me to sit down. I obeyed.

"Want anything to drink?" He asked and I shook my head. He ignored my protest and asked the bartender for a water. I rolled my eyes as he raised his eyebrows.

"What's your name?" I asked curiously as the bartender set down my water. I thanked him.

"That's not important right now, love," he said. The man didn't have a hood on now so I took a good look at his face. He had short blonde hair, pushed up off his forehead in the front. His bright blue eyes revealed no emotion, and he looked around my age, actually.

"I want answers," I repeated. He nodded.

"I should start from the beginning?" He suggested. I nodded. "Let's see... Cameron, Nash, Carter, Matthew, and Jack." I watched as he pulled his lip ring in between his teeth. "My dad asked them to do something for him, a favor, if you will."

"What was the favor?" I asked and he looked up at me.

"Help get him out of the country," he said as if it wasn't unusual.


"You ask a lot of questions," he smiled, "I like that. Anyway, my dad wasn't the best man. The FBI was looking for him. He scammed people out of money, one man over $10,000. I didn't know it was happening until he bailed, leaving me to defend for myself and my sister. I was only 16, but that's beside the point." I listened carefully as he told me what happened. I guess I wasn't the only one who had a crappy father.

I chuckled briefly, "Yeah, my dad was pretty shitty, too. But why would the guys have to help him with that? How would they know how to get someone out of the country?"

"Well, they were in that tour, right?" I nodded. "They could easily get flights and money. My dad figured, I guess, no one would suspect a group of teenage guys."

I remained quiet and he took a sip of his beer. He continued, "My father gave them $20,000 in order to do it, as long as they paid him back. Obviously, they didn't."

I almost chocked on my water, "$20,000?"

"Yeah, I know," he said. "Somehow the managed to get him out of the country. My dad, though, wants the money, now."

"When did they get him out?" I asked. I can't believe they did this, especially without telling anyone.

"I'm not completely sure. My dad left when I was 16, so two years ago, but he could've just been in a different state for a while." I tried to process everything. The tour didn't start until a year ago, at the most. I mentioned it and he shrugged, "He probably found them through the internet and gained contact with them. It's confusing and hard to process, I know."

"What will your dad do if they can't get him the money in time?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, actually. I just hope they can."

$20,000? There's no way they have that kind of money. Why would they even help this man, anyway? I asked the guy and he shrugged again, "I don't know, love. If I did, I wouldn't be talking to you right now."

"It's not like they'd tell me anything, anyway," I muttered as he looked at me.

"Why wouldn't they?"

"If I knew, I wouldn't be talking to you right now," I said using his words. "Do they know who you are?"

"Probably, but I'm not sure. Why?" He asked curiously.

"Well, we both want answers, right?" I asked and he nodded, slightly confused about where I was going with this. "I could always say that I met you back home in California," I suggested.

He raised his eyebrows and I continued, "If I say that, then you'd have an excuse to stay in the hotel with us. You know, you came on tour so I wouldn't have to come back alone? Then we could both get answers."

He thought about the idea for a moment or two before smiling, "Not bad, Sab. You aren't the least bit concerned that I could be a murderer, right?"

I chuckled, "I doubt it. I mean, you don't seem like one."

"That's good," he smiled. "I'm Luke, by the way."

"Finally, the mystery guy has a name," we laughed. "Wait, who was that guy at the café, then?"

"Joe," he said casually, "He worked for my dad." I nodded.

"You're staying in a different room then me at the hotel, though," I said as we stood up.

"Yeah, I figured," Luke smiled as he threw a couple bills on the bar to pay for the drinks. We left and started walking back to the hotel.

I hope the guys learn their lesson. These lies have to stop, now. I hope Luke will be a wake up call for them, especially the whole thing with his dad.

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