Chapter Eighteen

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yes, that was a fault in our stars reference in the last chapter(:
im crying. magcon is offically over.
comment, vote, fan x

[ eighteen ]

***Sabrina's POV***

"I'm getting sick of this whole tour thing," Kristen sighed, flopping back onto her bed.

"Me too," Nat and I agreed. We just finished the meet and greet, which means we were leaving soon.

"How much longer before we all go home?" Natalie asked.

"46 days," I mumbled.

"You've been counting?"

"Hey, I didn't want to even come on this tour," I defended.

"True," Kristen said.

"How's things been going with Nash?" I asked Kristen.

"I don't know," she sighed, "He's been so busy lately meeting fans and stuff..."

"Yeah, I bet." Natalie said.

"Just talk to him about it. Maybe suggest a date night or something," I shrugged.

"That's actually not a bad idea, Sab." Kristen smiled.

"I'm good for something."

"Something," Nat joked.

"Ha ha," I said, throwing a pillow at her.

I got up and walked over to the door.

"Where are you going," Kris asked.

I shrugged, "To walk around."

I opened the door and stepped out only to bump into a rock hard chest. I looked up amd smiled.

"Sorry, Jack," I said shutting the door.

"It was my fault," he smiled, "I was just going get something to eat, wanna come?"



"I'm right," I argued.

"Nope," Jack G smirked.

"I'm right."

"No, you're not."

"Yes, I am."

"No, you're not."

"Seriously? I am, that girl was obviously flirting with you." I said, nudging Jack's arm. We were walking back to the hotel and were currently arguing about how this girl was flirting with Jack, even though he wont admit it.

"She wasn't! Maybe she was just being nice."

"Oh? So being 'nice' includes giving someone their phone number?"

"She did not-" I shot him a glare, "Alright, maybe."

"See, I'm right."

"No, she wasn't flirting!"

"Jack, just fucking admit it! Who doesn't flirt with you?" I asked jokingly.

"You," Jack said, and I looked up at him.

"I'm not that easy to get," I joked, running ahead. Jack started running after me, and I didn't realize how fast he was.

I ran into the lobby but he caught up with me, grabbing my waist and flinging me over his shoulder with ease. I noticed everyone look at us like we were insane, and I couldn't help but laugh.

Jack stepped into the elevator, still not putting me down, but thankfully no one was in there besides us.

"Jack, put me down already," I laughed.

"Nope," he said and I could practically see the smirk on his face.

The elevator doors opened and Jack walked out, towards his room. He opened the door and walked in, only to see a very confused Jack J starring at us.

"Uh..." he trailed off, and Jack G put me down.

"Don't ask," I said, and he nodded.

"Let's watch a movie," Jack G suggested, and I chuckled.

"Are you stealing me or something?"

"Maybe," Jack G answered, looking through the movies on Netflix.

I sat on the bed and leaned back, while Jack G brought over the laptop. Jack J plopped down by my feet and we eventually settled on some horror thing.


Halfway through the movie Jack J bailed, something to do with helping Shawn and Aaron out. So now it was just Jack G and I.

"So, you like Matt?" He asked randomly.

"I don't know," I sighed. He nodded.

"What about Taylor?"

"I have no clue, honestly. I don't know if I want a relationship right now, especially because I'm leaving in 46 days."

"You've been counting?" Jack asked.

"Well, I didn't want to come in the first place..." I trailed off, now feeling bad I said that.

"How about now?" He asked, "Do you still think of us as a bunch of self-centered assholes?"

"Not really," I admitted, causing Jack to smile.


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