Chapter Thirty Seven

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so should i start having songs for each chapter?
superrrr short whoops
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[ thirty seven ]

***Sabrina's POV***

Luke was gone. Tobi and Taylor got back together. Nash and Kristen were still dating. Natalie was dating a guy back home named Dylan.

And me? Well, I was still confused as shit.

Nash walked into my room as I zipped up my suitcase- yet again. I only came to figure things out, and I did. Not including relationships or anything, obviously.

"Leaving again?" He asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed. I sat next to him and nodded.

"How's Kris?" I asked. I haven't spoken to anyone, really, while I was here.

"Good- great, actually," he smiled just thinking about her. You could easily tell he like her a lot, if not loved. Let's not go to fast, though. "Oh, yeah, uh, Matt wanted to talk to you."

I blinked. Matt? "Um, ok. Where is he?"

"His room, and I'd go there now before anyone disrupts the privacy- which they definitely will," he muttered the last part. I'm guessing Kristen and Nash haven't been getting as much alone time as they wanted.

"Alright, thanks."

I got up and made my way to Matt's room which was a few doors down from mine. I knocked twice before I heard him yell to come in. I did, and saw him laying on his back on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

"Nash said you wanted to talk to me?" I said as he turned his head to look at me. He sat up and patted the spot next to him, telling me to sit down. I did.

"Yeah. Um, remember what I said a couple weeks ago?" He said quietly. i thought for a second, before I knew exactly what he was talking about. Here we go.

"Yeah," I said slightly hesitant. I didn't really feel like having this talk right now. Matt let out a breath before continuing, looking straight ahead at the wall.

"Well, I-" he turned his head towards me. "I don't know why I said that- a spur of the moment, I guess." I had no clue where this was going, like most of our conversations. "I realized that I don't think of us as anything more than friends..." A weight instantly got lifted off my shoulders. "-I mean, you're an amazing person, but-"

"Yeah," I cut him off. "I know. I feel the same about you. You're like a brother to me." He smiled with relief and I did as well.

"Also, I, uh, met this girl." I rolled my eyes. "Her name's Alexis. I really like her, but I don't know what to do. We've been talking for a while now, and she's different from the other girls I've met. I want to ask her out, but how, and what if she says no? What if-" Matt rambled. He's so cute when he's nervous.

"Ask her out," I cut him off again. "I'm sure she'll say yes, especially if it's you. Do something different, though. Maybe the beach or a picnic at the park," I suggested and he thought for a second or two before a smile made it's way to his lips.

"Thanks," he said before standing up. "I'll call her." I nodded and he turned around, "Oh, yeah. Now I can give you some advise."

"On?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Jack," he said simply. I sighed. "Talk to him, let him explain," Matt pleaded. I looked up and met his eyes. He gave me the puppy dog face- and I rolled my eyes. I sighed and hesitantly nodded. Matt smiled before leaning down to give me a quick hug. He walked out of the room into the hall to call Alexis, I guess.

I'm happy he finally met someone. I know he hasn't had the best luck with relationships. Alexis might be good for Matt.

Then I realized that I'm leaving tomorrow night- everyone is, the tour ends. It's currently the 55th day, and we haven't really hung out as a group. Maybe tomorrow we can. I said goodbye to everyone before, but can I do it again? This time for good?

And this talk with Jack that I promised Matt I'd do? Well, that'll be fun.

Note the sarcasm.

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