Chapter Thirty Two

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super short chapter again ugh dont hate me
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[ thirty two ]

***Sabrina's POV***

"... I want only you."

I starred at him with a blank expression. He came all the way from where ever the tour was now to tell me this?

"Matt..." I whispered. He licked his lips and broke eye contact, clearly disappointed in my reaction. "I'm just not ready... With what Jack did-"

"You've been believing a lie, Sabrina," Matt spilled, looking up at me.

I hesitated. "What?"

"Jack never made up the bet," he said. "Taylor did."


"Why did he blame it on Jack?" Matt asked, finishing my thought. I nodded. "He get's competitive, and he doesn't like to lose. Sabrina, it wasn't Jack who played you. It was Taylor."

I blinked and looked down at my feet. Taylor lied to me, not Jack. But why would he go along with it? And Matt knew, too. But he didn't tell me.

"Matt, what is going on?" I muttered, looking up. He pulled his eyebrows together. "Everyone is lying..."

"I know you're hurt right now," Matt sat forward on the couch. "I just... Jack misses you." Matt just admitted he wanted me, but now he's trying to get me with Jack again?

"Then why would he go along with it in the first place?" I asked confused. What is going on?

"There's more to it than just the bet, Sab. None of us, especially Jack, want to hurt you." Matt said, and I was extremely confused.


"He just..." Matt thought for a minute. "I can't tell you," he whispered. "It's too complicated."

"What's too complicated, Matt?" I asked, raising my voice. "I'm tried of being treated like a toy! What is going on?"

"I can't tell you, Sabrina!" He snapped, but his eyes softened. Matt took in a breath before continuing in a softer tone, "It's far more involved than you think."

"I can't trust any of you," I chuckled bitterly, looking up. I met his eyes again.

"None of us want you to get hurt," he said. Us?

"Us?" I asked, "Who else is involved in this?"

"I- I can't tell you. I have to go," he muttered standing quickly. He walked towards the door and I followed him.

"Matt, I swear-"

"If you want to know so bad, come and see for yourself!" He snapped, turning back around. I studied his face.


"You said you wanted the truth, right?" I nodded. "Come back to the tour with me. You'll get the truth," he paused. "It's not too pretty."

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