Chapter 6- Telling everyone

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Taytum's POV:
Omg! I have to thank Owen and his friends. Owen was standing outside the office when I came out. "So..." Owen said. "I got the job!" I said to him. "Congratulations." He told me. We both headed to dinner hall were James, Jack, Henry, Chris, Ben, George, Danny and Jamie were sat around a table. Me and Owen sat down at the table and started to chat with them. I really got on with Owen's friends, we all bonded really well together.

"Guys I have something to say." I said aloud to get them quiet. They all looked around and stared at me. "So today I had a meeting with Eddie as you already know. I got a job here to become a physio!" I said. They all cheered and congratulated me. "When do you start?" Henry asked. "I start tomorrow." I said. I am really excited to start my new job.

I say goodbye to Owen and everyone. Henry got up with me and we left the room together. "Taytum?" Eddie said. "Yes Eddie." I said. "Here is your stuff for tomorrow and the rest will be with you tomorrow." He said handing me a bag full of stuff. "Thank you." I said getting the bag and leaving with Henry.

Our Love is strong x Henry SladeWhere stories live. Discover now