Chapter 47- Congratulations

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Taytum's POV:
I walk into work as usual and get everything ready. I was about to do what I always do, fill in paper work but Scott comes in. "There is a injury in the gym." He says. "Ok. I will be right over." I say. I grab the medical bag and head to the gym. I arrive there and I get straight over to Ben Youngs. "Ben, what have you done?" I asked. "I think my shoulder went." He explained. "Ok. I will just start to move your arm a bit and if it hurts tell me and I will stop." I said. "Ok." I started to move his arm. He was in pain I could tell by his face.

I moved his arm around one last time and it went click. "I think that was it." I said to him. "Yes. It doesn't hurt as much any more." He said. "Right I will put some tape to hold it in for now but don't use any gym equipment for today. Come back later for a check up on you shoulder." I told him. "Yep. Thank you." He said. I got the tape out of the bag and taped up his shoulder. "Be careful next time." I told him. I got up and started to walk towards the door. "Thank you." He said before I left.

I walked out and nearly walked into George Ford. "Sorry." I said as I walked past him. "It's ok don't worry." He said. I walked back to the physio room and saw Jody just arrive. "Hey." I said. "Hey. Where did you just come from?" She asked. "Oh, just the gym. Ben Youngs hurt his shoulder so I strapped it up for him. If he comes here later I just need to check his shoulder." I told her. "Great. Well done for doing that on your own. You are really good at it. Keep it up." She said. "Thank you and I will." I told her.

---Time skip to the afternoon---

There was a knock at the door I had to get it because Jody went home. She wasn't feeling to great. "Come in." I said. Ben Youngs walked in. "Hey Ben." I say getting up. "Hey Taytum." He says. "So how is your shoulder?" I asked him. "Much better but a little bit sore." He said. "Ok. Can you move it around in a circle." I asked. He moved his arm around. "How was that?", "That was ok. Hurt a bit but it was ok." He said. "If you keep moving your arm around it will loosen up a bit." I say. "So can I go back to gym training?" He asks. "Yeah you can but be careful on the shoulder." I tell him. "Ok thank you." He said. I nodded at him and smile.

Ben walks out and Henry walks in. "What happened there then?" He asks. "Well, Ben hurt his shoulder in the gym so I had to strap it up." I tell him. "Ok." He says and gives me a hug. "Where's Jody? She is normally here with you." He asks. "She wasn't feeling well so she went home to rest." I say. He smiles. His smile makes me happy. "I'll see you later." He says giving me a kiss on the lips. "Yeah, see you later." I say back. Henry leaves me to tidy up the place. I tidy the place and make it look spotless. I had a break so I decided to look on my social media.

A notification came up on my phone. 1 message from Jody. I wonder if she is ok. I open my messages and read it:
Hey. I got something to say to you. Please can you come to my place please. It's urgent.
Ok. I will come straight over.
I replied to the message and got a piece of paper and wrote a note on it: "Sorry not in. Please see the head physio coach if there is a injury. Thank you- Taytum." I stick it on the door on the way out. I walk out the building and head to Jody and George's house. I soon get there after 10 minutes of walking. I walk up to the door and knock on it. Jody comes to the door and opens it.

"Hey are you ok Jody?" I ask. She starts to cry. "Yeah I guess." She tries and says. I walk in and shut the door behind me. Jody leads me to the bathroom. I wait outside the bathroom for her. She comes out. "I have some news." She says to me. "Yeah. Is it good or bad." I ask. "I don't know." She says. It takes her some time to say it. "Take your time." I say to her. Soon she says what she needed to say. "I'm.... pregnant." Tears fall down her face. "Wow that is amazing news. Congratulations. I am happy for you." I say to her. "Is it? What will George say. He might not want to marry me anymore." Jody says starting to panic a bit. "Jody. George loves you. He will still love you and he will still want to marry you." I say to her.  We sit down and carry on talking. "The best thing to do is to tell George now. Don't leave it for weeks tell him now. It is the best time to tell him." I tell her. "Ok. I will tell him. I give Jody a hug and let her rest.

I head back to work. I arrive back and take the note down from the door. I get a text from Henry. Where were you. I tried to find you but you were no where. I replied back. I am really sorry Henry. I had to deal with something to do with Jody but I am back now. I send the message and lock my phone.

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