Chapter 84- Reveling/ Game

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Taytum's POV:
I walk into work for the last day in a while. Henry walks me to the physio room just in case I got hurt by something. He opens the door and I walk in sitting down on the chair​. He put my bag down for me and gave me a passionate kiss before he left. He walked out and Jody walked in. "Hey." I said. "Hey. How are you and the baby?" She asked. "We are great. I found out that I am going to be having a baby girl." I said. "Omg. I can't wait to see her." She said. I smiled. "I see your starting to show a bit." Jody said smiling. "Yep. Growing quickly. But I'm not to big but on the little side." I said. Jody gave me some paper to fill out and some computer work.

"The team has a match later today right?" I asked. "Yeah." Jody said. I decided to get the match game medical kit ready for the game. Scott, (one of the many physio people), came in the room. "They other team have just arrived at Twickenham Stadium and everyone else is on there way so let's get a move on." He said. I got the bag and we headed out to the coach that was taking us to Twickenham. I got on the coach and sat near the front so I don't need to move a lot. Jody sat opposite me. We arrived at Twickenham Stadium. There where fans outside everywhere. Some were screaming, some where cheering and some where singing Swing Low, Sweet Chariot when the team walked towards the entrance. Everyone got themselves ready for the game, the head coach went over a few skills and tack tics for the game.

They changed into their kits and started to get into their game modes. Soon the team started to pile out the room and to the tunnel where they wait to go onto the pitch. "Good luck lads. Play good out there." I said as I walked pasted them. Jody and I walked to the place where we were sitting. I sat on the chair and waited for the big moment to happen. England are playing Wales. Whistling and screaming was soon heard from across the stadium when all the players walked out onto the pitch.

They sang their national anthems and got into their positions. The whistle blew. Game time. This was just a normal match if Wales won the would claim the title if England won the would claim the title. The ball was flying around being passed. Tackles where made every few minutes. It was one well played game. At half time England where winning 24-21. Wales started to fight back in the second half. Jody had to get up because James ran into something and just needed a check. 79:15s that was the clock. Wales had the ball running down the pitch to score a try. The Welsh player jumped over an England player and scored the winning try.

I was a bit unhappy that they didn't win but it happens. I get off the seat and go down to the pitch. I shake hands with the Welsh player and congratulated them to. "Well done." I said to Henry.

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