Chapter 25- I can't

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Taytum's POV:
I can't do this anymore. I love him but why? "It's going to be ok." I hear Jody say. "Is it?" I ask. "Yeah he will soon realise what he has done and what you where actually doing." She said. I nodded and wiped my tears away. I got up and sorted myself out before putting medical stuff back in the cupboard. There was a knock at the door. "If it's Henry I don't want to speak to him." I said. Jody opened the door and standing there was Owen. "Can I speak to Taytum please?" I hear a strong wigan ascent. "Jody let him in." I say. Owen walks past Jody and heads towards me.

I walk over to Owen and give him a hug. I start to cry again. "I'm sorry Owen." I said. "There is nothing to be sorry about." He said. I looked at him like I was saying there is. "He wants to talk to you." Owen says out of nowhere. "I can't. Not now. I need time. I really do want to talk to him but I'm not ready." I said to him. I felt really bad for saying that but it is the right thing to do.

Our Love is strong x Henry SladeWhere stories live. Discover now