Chapter 87- Back To London

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Taytum's POV:
All I remember from last night is getting in the car and out of the car and walking into our house. I think I fell asleep after that. I managed to get up leaving Henry to sleep. I was leaving the room when, "Babe don't go downstairs please. Stay with me." He said in his morning sleepy voice. "Ok." I said in a calm voice. I walked back over to the bed and got back in. Henry sat up and he put his arm around me. "Morning." He said. "Morning." I said. He kissed the top of my head which made me smile. "What do you fancy doing today then?" Henry asked. "Can we visit my family. I haven't seen them in months." I say. "Yeah. Let's do that." He said.

We both got up and changed into some comfortable clothing. We ate breakfast and headed out the door to go see my parents. "I'll drive. Don't want to hurt you to hurt yourself." He said. I nodded and got into the car. We drove to the other side of London were my parents lived. Henry parked the car in the drive way and got out. I got out my side of the car and slowly made my way to the front door. "I'm going to ring the bell." I say. I press the doorbell twice so they could here it. The door opened and there stood my mum.

Mum's name is Emma and Dad's name is James.

"Taytum. Henry. So good to see you. Come in." Emma said. We both walked in. Henry walked into the living room first and my dad was sat there watching TV. "Hey dad." I said. "Hey sweetie." He said back. I walked into the kitchen to see mum. "Hey mum." I said. "Hey darling. How are you." She asked. "I'm good. Just a bit tired." I said. "Yeah you will be." She said. I gave her a hug. "Where's Chelsea?" I asked. "She's out with her mates." Mum said. "Ok." I said. We walked into the living room to see Henry and my dad bonding together.

"What you watching dad?" I asked. "Just the rugby." He said. "You and your rugby. Who's playing?" I said. "Saracens vs Wasps." He said. "Two good teams." I said back. The two of them watched it together. I decided to talk to mum. Before I could Chelsea walked in. "Hi." She said not noticing me or Henry. "Omg. Henry. Taytum." She said after spotting us. "Hey." We said. "You've grown since the last time I saw you." She said. "Yes very much. Seven months now." I said. "It's nearly time then.", "True." I said. We got talking about what we have missed.

Henry and I were going to leave soon. "Before you go we have something for you." Mum said. Mum and dad got up leaving me and Henry thinking. Dad came in with a big box and mum came in with a bag. "So here is some baby clothes I have bought for you. Also there is some toys at the bottom." She said. "Thanks mum you didn't have too." I said receiving the bag. "And here is a cot we bought for the baby. If you need help putting it up give me a call." Dad said. "Thanks James. You really didn't need to." Henry said. "Thanks dad." I said.

Henry and my dad went out to the car to put the cot into the boot. I gave Chelsea and mum a hug before leaving the house. I put the bag in the car and then gave dad a hug. "Thank you." I said before getting in the car. I waved goodbye as we drove out the driveway back home.

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