Chapter 96- Day Out

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Taytum's POV:
Henry came back and surprised me. Instead of going all the way back up to London we stayed in our house in Exeter. "What are you doing today?" I asked Henry. "I was thinking. Maybe hanging out with you and Eleanor. Also Jack to unless he's busy." He says. "Fine by me." I say feeding Eleanor her breakfast. It has been nearly a year since I had Eleanor and she has grown a lot since. She is now learning to walk and say 'mama.' But she can only say, 'dada.' At the moment. I dress Eleanor in some nice summer clothes and I get dressed myself. Henry puts Eleanor in her car seat ready for us to go. I'm driving today. I get into the drivers seat and wait for Henry to get in so I could start the engine.

When we where all ready we head to Jacks house. He gets in the back of the car next to Eleanor. "Hey Jack." I say. "Hey." He said to me. He gave Henry a high five and a pat on the shoulder. "Dadadada." Eleanor said. "She loves that word." Jack said. "I know. She says it all the time." Henry says. Henry and Jack get talking and I just drive to the city centre. I find a parking space and park in it. I get out and grab the buggy so I can put Eleanor in it. I put her in in and we head to the shops. "Where to first?" I say. "JD." Jack days. I nod my head and we head in that direction. We get into the shop. "I will take the lift. See you up there." I say in a sarcastic tone. "Yeah. Bye." Henry said. I get in the lift and arrive on the level I want to be on. The doors open and Jack and Henry have their arms crossed waiting for the two of us.

The four of us shop for something's and Jack buys a few things too. I get back in the lift with Eleanor and we walk out the shop. We walk down the street and walk past Exeter Cathedral. Some people came up to Jack and Henry asking for pictures. "Dadadada." Eleanor said. "Daddy is busy sweetie." I tell her. I sit on the wall and wait for them to finish meeting fans. When they finished, we walked around more shops and then back to the car. After shopping we went to a restaurant to eat food. We ate food and headed back.

I dropped Jack off at Sandy Park as he told me to. "Thanks Jack." I say to him out the window. "Anytime." He says walking away. I drive back home. "Today was a long day." I said walking into the house. I put Eleanor in her pyjamas and into bed because she was tired and falling asleep. I went downstairs and curled up against Henry.

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