Chapter 70- Today's the day

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Taytum's POV:
My nerves where everywhere. I am excited and nervous at the same time. I don't think Henry is as nervous as me but he probably is. I get myself changed into the stuff I was wearing today. My family, Henry's family, close family friends and other friends where there. The one thing we couldn't forget is the rugby players. They where all sat down. Owen's family where there too. Unfortunately Owen was on crutches because his leg hadn't healed properly yet. My sister Chelsea was one of my bridesmaids and I chose some of my small cousins to be them.

There was Chelsea (23), Jane (5), Daisy (4) and Bella (13). They were all my bridesmaids. They got themselves ready by the big doors and waited for me to arrive. Daisy and Jane walked in front of me throwing a few flower petals on the floor. Chelsea and Bella where at the back. The doors opened and all of us started to walk down the aisle. I looked up and saw Henry smiling at me. I smiled back at him. A tear fell from his eye and he quickly wiped it away. Henry took my arm when I got to the end. I held his arm until the ceremony started. My nerves soon went down.

---Time skip to the end---
(I don't know how it works.)

"I officially pronounce you husband and wife." The guy says. He turns to Henry. "You may now kiss the bride. Henry and I lean in and kiss for a few seconds because we didn't want to keep everyone waiting. Everyone cheers and confetti is being thrown over us. We get out side and head to the place where we get photos taken. A few photos where taken with other people. Owen came over in his crutches and stood by the side of me to take a photo with the both of us.

Henry and I got in the car and headed to the after party. People arrived and went to find a table to sit at. I gave Henry a quick hug before sitting down. Owen took the mic from the side and spoke into it. "Hey guys. I'm Owen as you may know. I have a few words to say. I grew up with Taytum. We moved away from each other after we left secondary school and never saw her since. My favourite memory I remember with her was when theses boys walked past us when I was with her and said something. She went mental. Taytum went up to them and slapped him around the face. It was funny to see. Anyway, I am happy for the new married couple. To Henry and Taytum." Owen said lifting up his wine glass. Everyone cheered. "I didn't know about that story." Henry said. "Yeah it was kind of embarrassing." I said. I smiled at him.

I took the mic from Owen and began my speech. "Hey. I'm going to say a few words. When I met Henry I was amazed. I was coming to see Owen but Henry caught my eye. He was fun, lovely and caring towards everyone. We got to know each other but we got off to a bumpy start and sorted everything out. I love him so much I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with. I love you Henry." I say into the mic. Henry gets up and gives me a hug and a peck on the lips. "Let's have Henry and Taytum do the first dance." James said. Henry took my hand and led me to the dance floor. The music starts to play and we start to dance.

We all have a little something to eat and I chat to a few people. Soon me and Henry got ready to go for our honeymoon. The bags where already in the car waiting. I changed into a smaller dress and said bye to the guests. "Bye." I said. "Goodbye Taytum. Enjoy." Chelsea says. "Bye Chelsea." I say giving her a hug. We slowly walked towards the open car door. "Enjoy yourself guys. But don't have too much fun." James said. We smiled back at them and got into the car. We got in and drove straight to the airport.

A/n: 70 Chapters. Wow. Never thought of that. Thank you everyone for the support. Please comment if you have anything to say. Don't forget to...

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-Vicki :-)

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