Chapter 79- Sick Days

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Taytum's POV:
My stomach kept turning. It was morning about 6:00am when this started to happen. I had pain in my stomach too which didn't help. I started to get a sick feeling in the back of my throat. I quickly got up from the bed and ran into the bathroom where I was sick in the toilet. I groaned in pain from my stomach. Why does it hurt? I thought. It hurt so much. "Babe are you ok?" I hear Henry say. "Yeah. Just got a bit of a sore stomach." I say. "Tell me if it gets any worse." He says. "Ok. I will." I say. I flush the toilet and wash myself up. I decided to have a shower before going downstairs. I got in the shower and the came out changing into my work clothes. I put my hair up into a pony tail and headed downstairs.

I could smell breakfast. It smelt good. I sat at the table and Henry gave me my breakfast. It tasted great until I started to get that sick feeling in my stomach again. I ran up the stairs and into the bathroom. There was a knock at the door. "Come in." I said. Henry walked in. "Babe are you sure your ok." He asked. "I don't know. My stomach kills." I say on the verge of tears. "Please don't cry. We can sort this out I promise. I will phone in today and say your not great. You stay at home and rest." He said. "Thank you." I said. Henry kissed my forehead and got up to phone work.

Henry came in about 5 minutes later. "It's all done." He says. I nod and get up from the floor. I get a blanket from the cupboard and head downstairs to the sofa. I sit on the sofa and watch some TV. "Taytum. I'm going now." Henry said. "Ok bye. I love you." I said. "I love you too. Get better." He said. Henry shut the door and drove to work. I fell asleep for and hour until I had to go to the bathroom again. I was fed up with this. It was lonely here by myself so I decided to see if Jody was free. I dialed her number into my phone and waited for her to pick up.

(Jody, Taytum):
Hey Jody.
Hey Taytum are you ok?
A bit sick, are you free.
Get well soon.Yeah. Where are you.
At home.
I'll come over straight away. George is looking after Bella so it will be me and you.
Ok see you then.
See you in 5.

I hang up the phone. There was a knock at the door so it was probably Jody. I open the door and it was Jody. She came in. "Hey. What's wrong." She said. "My stomach is in so much pain and I have been sick for most of the morning." I said. "There is a few things that could be." She said. "Ok." I said a bit confused. "It could be a bug or..." Before Jody could finish her phone went off. I let Jody get the phone and I think about what the other thing could be. I start thinking and think of one thing it could be. Jody comes back in and sits back down. "I think I might know what it could be." I say. "Do you? Are you 100% sure that it could be that?" She says. "I don't know." I say putting my head down.

"Are you sure your not pregnant?"

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