Chapter 22- Hotel

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Taytum's POV:
I picked up the rubbish and put it in the bin so it wasn't a mess in the room. I grabbed my bag and headed out to the coach. There where fans outside singing Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. It was really good. Instead of driving back to London we drove to a hotel that we were all staying in. I found a seat on the coach and buckled myself in. I plugged my headphones in because no one was sat next to me.

Jody sat next to George Ford. They where cuddled up together. It was cute. I decided to text Jody:
Is there something going on between you two that I don't know. Even George hasn't told me even though he is one of my best mates.
Soon after she replies to me.
Yeah you could say that.
For how long.
1 year today.
Wow. Congratulations!

I lock my phone and continue to listen to music. Shortly after we arrive at the hotel. Everyone piles off and grab their stuff. Some of them are still listening to music and some aren't. I grab my suitcase and leave the physio bag on the coach. I walk into the hotel and got told we have the whole 3rd floor to ourselves. Some of the players shared a room and some had their own. I shared one with Jody. Our room was right next to James Haskell, Henry Slade, Jack Nowell and Jamie George's room, which was on the left of ours. I unlocked the door and walked in holding the door for Jody so she could come in.

I shut the door behind her and put my suitcase by the wall and jumped on the bed. "James, Jamie, George, Henry and Jack are going out for a celebration dinner later at 9pm and they want us to come." Jody told me. "Oh ok. I will find something nice to wear." I said. Luckily I brought something nice with me instead of just sports gear.

(This is what Taytum wears):

(This is what Taytum wears):

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(This is what Jody wears):

I picked this out for tonight

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I picked this out for tonight. "That is beautiful." Jody said to me. "Thank you. I like it. I'm glad I bought it with me." I said. "I love your outfit to." I told her she smile. I was going to say something to Jody but there was a lot of racket coming  from the boys room which was on the left of our room. "Why are those boys so loud?" I asked Jody. "I really do know." She said. I put my outfit out on the bed and started to get ready for tonight's dinner with the lads.

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