Chapter 64- Wow

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Taytum's POV:
"Hey... yes... congratulations... I will be there... see you in a minute..." I say down the phone. I hang up the phone and go down the stairs. "Who was on the phone?" Henry asked. "Jody and George." I say. "Is she OK?" He asked. "Yeah, she has just had her baby so she's fine. They are at the hospital. George is with her. So that is why he isn't at work." I say. I give Henry a hug and a kiss before talking again. "Do you want to visit them at the hospital?" I ask. "Yeah sure." He says. "Before we go to the hospital can we get something for Jody and George and the baby." I say. "Yeah. Flowers and clothes." He says. I nod and we get in the car.

We arrive at clothes shop and head straight to the baby section. I pick out a small hat and some shoes. Henry picked out about 3 outfits for the baby. We head to the counter and pay for the clothes. "Thank you." I say to the person on the till. Henry and I walked out of the shop hand in hand to the car. Henry drives into a car space and we get out of the car and walk towards the reception. "Hello. How can I help?" The receptionist asks. "We are here to see Jody and George Ford." I say. "Yes. Ok. They are on the 3rd floor in room 302." She says. "Ok thank you." I say. Henry follows behind me to the lift. We enter in the lift and click 3rd floor. Henry put his arm around my waist to keep me close.

We walked to room 302 and knocked on the door. "Come in." I hear and we walk in. "Hey." I say to them. "So..." I say. "It's a girl." Jody says. "A mini Jody and George." I say. They giggled. "Hey mate." Henry says to George. They give each other a man hug and Henry went over to Jody and gave her a hug. George left the room and went to go and get the baby. He came back in about 5 minutes later. George came in holding a sleeping baby. He passed her to Jody. "We haven't chosen a proper name but we have two we like. Bella May Ford or Charlie skye Ford." Jody said. "They are nice names." I say.

A/n: Choose what name you like and if you have any others names I could use instead of those, please could you comment bellow. Thank you for reading this book. Don't forget to....

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-Vicki :-)

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