Chapter 53- Rugby club

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A/n: Owen's face in that photo just says it all.

Taytum's POV:
Henry and I arrive at Sandy Park about 11am in the morning. We walk in together, hand in hand. He takes me to the room were most of the players where chilling. "Hey lads." Henry says. "Sup Henry." Some say. I sit right next to Henry because I was a bit shy and didn't know what to do. Jack Nowell walked in. He saw the two of us. "Hey guys I thought you two where staying in London." He said. "We decided to come down here because Henry was checking in on the club." I told Jack. "Sweet." He said.

Henry took me out of the room and out to the pitch. I sat on the seats in the stands and watch Henry kick a few rugby balls. Once he did that he came over to me and leaned against the fence. "That was pretty amazing." I said. "Do you want a go?" He asked. "Well. I haven't done it in a while but sure. Why not." I said. I hoped over the barrier and onto the pitch.

Henry set everything up for me so it was ready. I looked at were I wanted to kick it and took a few steps back and a few to the side. I ran at the ball and gave it my biggest kick. It went over the post. "That was pretty amazing." Henry said giving me a hug. This time I set everything up for me to kick the ball. Some of the Exeter Chiefs players came out onto the pitch. I did the same steps so I could kick the ball. I kicked the ball and it went with a clean hit over the posts. "I did it!" I said to Henry excitedly. I turned around and saw some of the Exeter Chiefs players. "That was pretty amazing." Luke said. "Yeah, I agree that was awesome." Gareth said. I smiled and went a bit red in embarrassment.

I hoped back over the barrier and sat back down. Henry and Jack did a interview with Rugby Lives and I sat there and watched them. I also watched a bit of the training. I laughed at what they said because some parts were funny. The interview finished and Henry came and sat next to me. He sat down and I put my head on his shoulder. "So..." I said. "I don't know what to say." Henry said. My phone bleeped. Hey Taytum, there is a letter back in the office and you didn't mind me opening it. It was Jody. Yeah sure. What did it say? I asked her. It said. You have been chosen with many others to go abroad and do a physio course. I read it. Wow. Me. Wow. Umm... do I have to go. I don't know what to say. Yeah you have to go. I already asked Eddie and he said go for it. Ok. Thanks. Can you send it to Exeter. I will give you the address.

I send Jody the address and lock my phone. "Is everything ok?" Henry asked me. "Um... yeah." I said. "What is it?" Henry said turning around to face me. "Well, Jody told me there is a letter for me back at the office. It is for me to go abroad and complete a physio course. Shall I go?" I tell him. "Taytum, that is amazing. You should totally go. I will be fine by myself. Jack will be here with me so there is nothing to worry about." He said to me. I rested my forehead on his. We gave each other a kiss. "I love you." I told him. "I love you too." He said, giving me another kiss.

*Cough* *Cough* someone went. We looked up and it was Jack. "You two love birds come on we got to go back inside." Jack said. I giggled. Henry and I walked inside hand in hand.

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