Chapter 104- Back to London

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This chapter is Friday lunch when Taytum picks up Eleanor from school.

Taytum's POV:
Eleanor runs up the stairs to get her little suitcase and brings it downstairs. I grab my suitcase and put it in the car with Eleanor's. "We get to see daddy. We get to see daddy." She says, jumping up and down. "Ok, calm down El." I said. I put Eleanor in her car seat and got myself into the car. I drove towards London. "Let's go see daddy." I said. Eleanor started to clap her hands. I let Eleanor play on the tablet that I bought with us. She soon fell asleep.

We soon arrived in London and Eleanor was still asleep. I drove to the airport where we where planning to meet Henry. I drove into the airport and found a spot to park in. I got over to Eleanor's side. "Eleanor we're here." I said waking her up slowly. She rubbed her eyes and got out of the car. I took her hand and we went into the the airport to wait for Henry. His flight should be here soon. We walked and waited in the waiting area. Henry went with the England rugby team to play a match and he went. Soon all of the players began coming out of the terminal. "Eleanor look who I see." I told her pointing in the direction of Henry. "DADDY." She shouted running over to him. He picked her up and hugged her tightly. They came over to us. Henry gave me a hug and a kiss. "I see my little monster is growing." Henry said putting his hand on my stomach.

I smiled and gave him another hug. All of us walked back to the car. Henry carried Eleanor back to the car. We arrived at the house at a late time. Eleanor fell asleep. I got into the drive way and then got out. Henry pick up Eleanor and put her to bed. I took Henry's bag indoors.

Henry came back downstairs shortly. "Hey." I said packing the last of the dishes away. "Hi." He said wrapping his arms around me. "Missed you." I said. "I did to. Don't need to go anywhere until later in the week." He said. "Good. We can spend some time together." I said. "We sure can." He said. Henry took my hand and lead me to the lounge.

"Tomorrow before we do anything, I have to go to the training ground to sort a few bits out." Henry said. "That's fine." I said snuggling into his side. I slowly fell asleep on him.

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