Chapter 7- Talking

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Taytum's POV:
I have bonded really well with some of Owen's mates especially Henry. Me and Henry walk out the building and head to my car. I open the boot and put the bag Eddie gave me in there. I shut it and then turn to Henry. "How have you been?" I ask him so we could start a conversation. "I've been good how about you?" He asked. "I have been great. Better now that I have got that job. Thank you for telling the coach about me.", "No problem and congratulations! What are friends for." Henry said. I looked at him and smiled. We started to walk around the rugby pitch while talking about life. I giggled at a few of his words and he did the same to. It was really fun to get to know him. Henry would probably say the same. We both exchanged numbers so we could meet up sometime together. Henry is such a nice, sweet and caring friend.

"Taytum do you want to get coffee with me sometime?" Henry asked. "Yeah. Is this like a date?" I asked him just to be sure it is. "Yeah you could say that." He said with a smile. Henry picked up a rugby ball a threw it to me. I caught it and threw it back. Henry picked up another rugby ball and gave one to me. He kicked it and it went over the posts. "You're a pretty good kicker." I said to him. "Your turn. Show me what you can do." He said to me.

I found a T and put the ball on it. I took a few steps backwards and a few to the side. I looked where I wanted the ball to go and kicked it. It went over the posts. "Wow. You're a pretty good kicker yourself. Wow." Henry said. "Thank you." I said back. We collected the rugby balls and the T and headed​ back towards the car park. "That was fun. I enjoyed it." I said to Henry. He nodded and smiled at me. Henry put the stuff back in the sports cupboard and we left to go to our cars.

Before we went Henry and I swapped numbers so he could text me a day he was free. "Bye  Henry. See​ you tomorrow.", "Yep see you tomorrow Taytum." He said. We both got in our cars and drove away. I drove home and took a shower. My phone buzzed as I got the shower, it was Owen. Hey, were where you after I had training. I couldn't find you to say goodbye. I realised after I read that message to say bye to Owen. I texted back.
I am so sorry Owen. I was with Henry and we were kicking rugby balls on the field. After I sent that message I locked my phone and went to sleep because I have a busy day tomorrow.

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