Chapter 89- Get Henry

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So you won't get confused this chapter and chapter 90 are going to be when Taytum is 9 months pregnant.

Taytum's POV:
They nursery is all set ready for the baby to arrive. To be honest I am really excited to meet her. I got up and went downstairs to eat some breakfast for the day. I ate my food while reading a magazine. "Babe." Henry said coming into the kitchen. "Yes. How may I help?" I asked. "I have to pop to see Eddie and sort something's out. I really don't want to leave you on your own because of you being 9 months pregnant." He said in a worried tone. "Henry it's fine. I will be ok. I will phone you if anything happens, ok." I said to him. "Ok." He said. I gave him a passionate kiss. "Bye. I love you." He said walking out the door. "I love you too." I said as he shut the door. I finished reading the rest of the magazine and then got ready into something comfortable. I came downstairs and sat on the sofa. I got a sharp pain in my stomach which went after 10 seconds. I groaned a bit because it hurt a lot. It might just be the baby moving again.

The front door opened and in walked Henry. "Babe I can't leave you here on your own. Come with me." He said. "Ok. I will." I said grabbing my phone from the side. I slipped on some slip on shoes and walked to the car. We drove to the training ground. "I'm going to see Jody." I said. "Ok be careful though." Henry said. I gave him a kiss on the lips before going to see Jody. I walked in the room and saw Jody and Owen. "Hey guys. Nice to see you." I said. "Taytum." Jody said. I gave her a hug. I gave Owen a hug to. "You're going to pop soon." Owen said. "Anytime soon." I said. We smiled at each other.

"I've missed talking to you guys." I said to them. "Yeah. Same. It doesn't feel the same any more." Jody said. Owen left us to speak. He said goodbye and went back to doing what he was doing. "Owen seems different." I say. "He thinks yours and his friendship is fading away." Jody said. That hurt me a bit. "Oh." That is all I could say. "What do I do?" I said. "I think the best thing to do is go speak to him." Jody said. "Ok. Where would he be." I asked. "In the gym." She said. "Ok. Thank you." I said. I walked out and headed to the gym. James Haskell was coming out and spotted me. "Hey Taytum." He said. "Hey, is Owen in there?" I asked. "Yeah. Shall I get him." He said. "Yes please." I said. James went in the gym and soon came out with Owen. James left us and I started to talk to him.

"Hey." I said. "Hey. Are you ok?" Owen asked. "Yeah. I just wanted to talk." I said. We walked over to sit on some chairs. "Our friendship. I don't want it to disappear." I said. "I feel like it is." He said. Pain shot through my stomach again. I winced in pain but Owen didn't see. "Owen I'm sorry." I said. "Me too." He said. The pain came back but a lot worse. "Ow." I said. "Taytum are you ok?" Owen said in a worried voice. "Pain." Is all I could say. It hurt a lot. I put my hand on my stomach. "I need Henry." I said in pain. "Ok. I will get him." He said. He opened the door. "SOMEONE FIND HENRY." Owen shouted.

Jack Nowell and George Ford came out the room. "Owen you go find Henry we will stay here." Jack said. He nodded and ran down the corridor.

Owen's POV:
I ran down the corridor to find Henry. I saw him coming out of Eddie's office. "Henry. Taytum is in pain I think it may be the baby." I said. Henry looked at me and followed me down the corridor. We ran until we saw them sat down.

Taytum's POV:
The pain was unbearable. "Babe. I'm here now." Henry said. "Ok. Can we hurry please." I said. Henry and Owen helped me up and we slowly walked out the building to the car. "Henry. Me and the others will see you at the hospital." Owen said. Henry helped me into the car and Henry got into the other side of the car.

"Henry. My waters just broke."

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